stuff word
Смотреть что такое "stuff word" в других словарях:
Stuff (cloth) — Stuff was a type of coarse thickly woven cloth manufactured in various places, formerly including Kidderminster. Originally it was probably entirely of wool, but later a woolsey linsey cloth, made with a warp of linen yarn and a worsted weft. The … Wikipedia
Stuff (How I Met Your Mother) — Infobox Television episode Title = Stuff Series = How I Met Your Mother Season = 2 Episode = 16 Airdate = February 19, 2007 Production = 2ALH16 Writer = Kourtney Kang Director = Pamela Fryman Guests = Taylor Hoover (Jeannie Radford), Diana… … Wikipedia
stuff — I UK [stʌf] / US noun [uncountable] informal *** 1) a variety of objects or things What s all this stuff on my desk? By the time we got to the sale, all the good stuff was gone. a) the things that belong to a particular person or activity or in a … English dictionary
stuff — {{11}}stuff (n.) early 14c., quilted material worn under chain mail, from O.Fr. estoffe quilted material, furniture, provisions (Mod.Fr. étoffe), from estoffer to equip or stock, which according to French sources is from O.H.G. stopfon to plug,… … Etymology dictionary
word — 1 noun LANGUAGE/STH YOU SAY OR WRITE 1 (C) the smallest unit of language that people can understand if it is said or written on its own: Write an essay of about five hundred words. | There were a lot of words in the film I couldn t understand. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stuff — vb 1. to have sex (with). The verb has very seldom been used in the active or transi tive form since the 19th century (and it was never common). The abusive excla mation get stuffed is its main legacy. 2. to dismiss, throw away, destroy. This… … Contemporary slang
stuff-up — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms stuff up : singular stuff up plural stuff ups Australian informal a bad mistake, or something that has been done very badly … English dictionary
stuff — 1. Word used widely in place of many nouns which the speaker cannot remember or identify. 2. bit of stuff Sexually attractive woman. 3. the hard stuff Spirits (usu. whisky). Money. 4. See hot stuff. 5. v. Copulate with.* 6. Hashish. Heroin … A concise dictionary of English slang
stuff — [14] Stuff is ultimately the same word as stop. It comes via Old French estoffer and prehistoric Germanic *stopfōn, earlier *stoppōn (source of English stop), from late Latin stuppāre ‘plug, stop up’. This originally denoted literally ‘stop up a… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
stuff — [14] Stuff is ultimately the same word as stop. It comes via Old French estoffer and prehistoric Germanic *stopfōn, earlier *stoppōn (source of English stop), from late Latin stuppāre ‘plug, stop up’. This originally denoted literally ‘stop up a… … Word origins
joy-to-stuff ratio — (joy too STUF ray.shee.oh) n. The time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods. Example Citation: As families become more affluent, sometimes they begin to suffer from what has come to be called… … New words