- stuff gown
- шерстяная мантия младший адвокат, помощник адвоката (в суде)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Stuff gown — Stuff Stuff, n. [OF. estoffe, F. [ e]toffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to E. stop, v.t. Cf. {Stuff}, v. t.] 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture. [1913 Webster] For the stuff they had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stuff gown — noun 1. : a gown of stuff; especially : one that in England forms the distinctive garb of a junior barrister compare silk gown 2. : a junior barrister * * * stuff gown noun A gown of stuff, not silk, esp that of a junior barrister • • • Main… … Useful english dictionary
stuff gown — noun Brit. a gown worn by a barrister who is not a Queen s (or King s) Counsel … English new terms dictionary
stuff gown — The gown worn by a barrister who has not attained the rank of queen s counsel … Ballentine's law dictionary
stuff gown — In England, the professional robe worn by junior barristers of the outer bar; viz., those who have not been admitted to the rank of King s Counsel … Black's law dictionary
Stuff — Stuff, n. [OF. estoffe, F. [ e]toffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to E. stop, v.t. Cf. {Stuff}, v. t.] 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture. [1913 Webster] For the stuff they had was… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stuff — n. & v. n. 1 the material that a thing is made of; material that may be used for some purpose. 2 a substance or things or belongings of an indeterminate kind or a quality not needing to be specified (there s a lot of stuff about it in the… … Useful english dictionary
Silk gown — Stuff Stuff, n. [OF. estoffe, F. [ e]toffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to E. stop, v.t. Cf. {Stuff}, v. t.] 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture. [1913 Webster] For the stuff they had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clear stuff — Stuff Stuff, n. [OF. estoffe, F. [ e]toffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to E. stop, v.t. Cf. {Stuff}, v. t.] 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture. [1913 Webster] For the stuff they had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Small stuff — Stuff Stuff, n. [OF. estoffe, F. [ e]toffe; of uncertain origin, perhaps of Teutonic origin and akin to E. stop, v.t. Cf. {Stuff}, v. t.] 1. Material which is to be worked up in any process of manufacture. [1913 Webster] For the stuff they had… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
silk gown — noun 1. : the distinctive robe of a King s or Queen s Counsel compare stuff gown 2. : a King s or Queen s Counsel … Useful english dictionary