
ˈstʌbən прил.
1) неподатливый, упрямый Syn : obstinate, refractory
2) упорный Syn : adamant, headstrong, obdurate, pertinacious, pigheaded Ant : adaptable, compliant, docile, malleable упрямый, неподатливый - * man упрямый человек - as * as a mule /as a donkey/ упрямый как осел упорный - * battle упорный бой - to be * in the defence of smth. упорно защищать что-л. тяжелый, неподатливый - * illness болезнь, не поддающаяся лечению > facts are * things (пословица) факты - упрямая вещь stubborn неподатливый ~ упорный;
stubborn resistance упорное сопротивление ~ упрямый, неподатливый ~ упрямый ~ упорный;
stubborn resistance упорное сопротивление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stubborn" в других словарях:

  • Stubborn — Stub born, a. [OE. stoburn, stiborn; probably fr. AS. styb a stub. See {Stub}.] Firm as a stub or stump; stiff; unbending; unyielding; persistent; hence, unreasonably obstinate in will or opinion; not yielding to reason or persuasion; refractory; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stubborn — may refer to: HMS Stubborn (P238), an S class submarine Little Miss Stubborn, a character in the Little Miss series of books Mr. Stubborn, a character on the children s television show The Mr. Men Show Stubborn Unwilling to admit defeat to… …   Wikipedia

  • stubborn — [stub′ərn] adj. [ME stoburn, prob. < OE stubb, var. of stybb,STUB] 1. refusing to yield, obey, or comply; resisting doggedly or unreasonably; resolute or obstinate 2. done or carried on in an obstinate or doggedly persistent manner [a stubborn …   English World dictionary

  • stubborn — index callous, chronic, contentious, difficult, disobedient, fractious, froward, impervious, incorrigible …   Law dictionary

  • stubborn — late 14c., of uncertain origin. Earliest form is stiborn. OED, Liberman doubt any connection with STUB (Cf. stub) (n.). Related: Stubbornly; stubbornness …   Etymology dictionary

  • stubborn — *obstinate, dogged, pertinacious, mulish, stiff necked, pigheaded, bullheaded Analogous words: rebellious, contumacious, *insubordinate: intractable, recalcitrant, refractory (see UNRULY): obdurate, adamant, inexorable, *inflexible Contrasted… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stubborn — [adj] obstinate, unyielding adamant, balky, bullheaded, cantankerous, contumacious, cussed*, determined, dogged, firm, fixed, hardheaded, headstrong, inexorable, inflexible, insubordinate, intractable, mulish, obdurate, opinionated, ornery*,… …   New thesaurus

  • stubborn — ► ADJECTIVE 1) determined not to change one s attitude or position. 2) difficult to move, remove, or cure. DERIVATIVES stubbornly adverb stubbornness noun. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • stubborn — 01. He knew he was wrong, but he was simply too [stubborn] to admit it. 02. My boss is so [stubborn]. Once he gets an idea in his head, there s just no changing his mind. 03. The policeman [stubbornly] refused to reduce my speeding ticket to a… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • stubborn — stubbornly, adv. stubbornness, n. /stub euhrn/, adj. 1. unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child. 2. fixed or set in purpose or opinion; resolute: a stubborn opponent of foreign aid. 3. obstinately maintained, as a course of …   Universalium

  • stubborn — adjective 1) you re too stubborn to admit it Syn: obstinate, headstrong, willful, strong willed, pigheaded, obdurate, difficult, contrary, perverse, recalcitrant, inflexible, iron willed, uncompromising, unbending; informal stiff necked, bloody… …   Thesaurus of popular words

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