- structure from texture
- определение структуры объекта по текстуре изображения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
texture — (n.) early 15c., network, structure, from M.Fr. texture, from L. textura web, texture, structure, from stem of texere to weave, from PIE root *tek to make (Cf. Skt. taksati he fashions, constructs, taksan carpenter; Avestan taЕЎa ax, hatchet … Etymology dictionary
texture — [teks′chər] n. [ME < L textura < texere, to weave: see TECHNIC] 1. Archaic a woven fabric 2. the character of a woven fabric as determined by the arrangement, size, quality, etc. of the fabric s threads [coarse texture, twilled texture] 3.… … English World dictionary
texture — textural, adj. texturally, adv. textureless, adj. /teks cheuhr/, n., v., textured, texturing. n. 1. the visual and esp. tactile quality of a surface: rough texture. 2. the characteristic structure of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands … Universalium
Texture synthesis — is the process of algorithmically constructing a large digital image from a small digital sample image by taking advantage of its structural content. It is object of research to computer graphics and is used in many fields, amongst others digital … Wikipedia
Texture — refers to the properties held and sensations caused by the external surface of objects received through the sense of touch. Texture is sometimes used to describe the feel of non tactile sensations. Texture can also be termed as a pattern that has … Wikipedia
Texture (crystalline) — In materials science, texture is the distribution of crystallographic orientations of a polycrystalline sample. A sample in which these orientations are fully random is said to have no texture. If the crystallographic orientations are not random … Wikipedia
texture — I. noun Etymology: Latin textura, from textus, past participle of texere to weave more at technical Date: 1578 1. a. something composed of closely interwoven elements; specifically a woven cloth b. the structure formed by the threads of a fabric… … New Collegiate Dictionary
texture — /ˈtɛkstʃə / (say tekschuh) noun 1. the characteristic disposition of the interwoven or intertwined threads, strands, or the like, which make up a textile fabric. 2. the characteristic disposition of the constituent parts of any body; general… …
Structure d'impact de Chassenon — Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Image de synthèse du cratère quelques années après l’impact. Localisation Astre … Wikipédia en Français
Structure d'impact de Rochechouart — Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Image de synthèse du cratère quelques années après l’impact. Localisation Astre … Wikipédia en Français
Structure d'impact de Rochechouart-Chassenon — Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Astroblème de Rochechouart Chassenon Image de synthèse du cratère quelques années après l’impact. Localisation Astre … Wikipédia en Français