- strongminded
- strongminded умный, энергичный (особ. о женщине)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Obernewtyn Chronicles — The Obernewtyn Chronicles Author Isobelle Carmody Country Australia Language English … Wikipedia
strong-minded — adjective not easily influenced by other people to change what you believe or want: You have to be pretty strongminded to say “no” to him. strong mindedly adverb strong mindedness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
purposeful — adj 1. practical, pragmatic, pragmatical, utilitarian, useable, useful, Obs. utile; applica tory, workable, serviceable, practicable; realistic.sensi ble, commonsensical, commonsensible; down to earth; longheaded, hard headed, businesslike, all… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ἐχυρόφρονες — ἐχυρόφρων strongminded masc/fem nom/voc pl … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
strong-willed — adjective having a determined will • Syn: ↑strong minded • Similar to: ↑stubborn, ↑obstinate, ↑unregenerate * * * adj stubborn, obstinate, intractable, wayward, inflexible, wilful, self willed … Useful english dictionary
EZRA BEN ABRAHAM BEN MAZHIR — (c. 12th century), rosh yeshivah in damascus . benjamin of tudela , who met Ezra, lists the officials of the yeshivah, the leader being Ezra s brother Sar Shalom, who bore the title of father of the yeshivah. Like his father, who had preceded him … Encyclopedia of Judaism