- strong-willed
- ˈstrɔŋˈwɪld прил.
1) решительный;
2) упрямый Syn : wilful решительный, волевой упрямый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
strong-willed — [strôŋ′wild′] adj. having a strong, resolute, or obstinate will … English World dictionary
strong-willed — index earnest, hot blooded, inexorable, inflexible, obdurate, persistent, pertinacious, purposeful, re … Law dictionary
strong-willed — adj knowing exactly what you want to do and being determined to achieve it, even if other people advise you against it … Dictionary of contemporary English
strong-willed — [ ,strɔŋ wıld ] adjective determined to do something you want, even if others do not want you to do it … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
strong-willed — strong′ willed′ adj. 1) having a powerful will; resolute 2) stubborn; obstinate • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
strong-willed — adjective having a determined will • Syn: ↑strong minded • Similar to: ↑stubborn, ↑obstinate, ↑unregenerate * * * adj stubborn, obstinate, intractable, wayward, inflexible, wilful, self willed … Useful english dictionary
strong-willed — ADJ GRADED Someone who is strong willed has a lot of determination and always tries to do what they want, even though other people may advise them not to. He is a very determined and strong willed person. Syn: headstrong Ant: weak willed … English dictionary
strong-willed — adjective you strong willed recruits had better prepare yourselves to get broken Syn: determined, resolute, stubborn, obstinate, willful, headstrong, strong minded, self willed, unbending, unyielding, intransigent, intractable, obdurate,… … Thesaurus of popular words
strong willed — Synonyms and related words: balking, balky, beefy, bigoted, bouncing, bulldogged, bulletheaded, bullheaded, case hardened, controlled, dogged, dogmatic, doughty, fanatic, firm minded, forceful, forcible, forcy, forward, full blooded, full… … Moby Thesaurus
strong-willed — /ˈstrɒŋ wɪld/ (say strong wild) adjective 1. having a powerful will; resolute (opposed to weak willed). 2. stubborn …
strong-willed — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. strong minded. see strong … English dictionary for students