strong dilatation
Смотреть что такое "strong dilatation" в других словарях:
parturition — /pahr too rish euhn, tyoo , choo /, n. Biol. the process of bringing forth young. [1640 50; < LL parturition (s. of parturitio) travail, equiv. to L parturit(us) (ptp. of parturire; see PARTURIENT) + ion ION] * * * I or birth or childbirth or… … Universalium
List of Biblical names — This is a list of names from the Bible, mainly taken from the 19th century public domain resource: : Hitchcock s New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible by Roswell D. Hitchcock, New York: A. J. Johnson, 1874, c1869.Each name is given with its … Wikipedia
SÉISMES ET SISMOLOGIE - Ondes sismiques et paramètres du foyer — Les ondes engendrées par les séismes sont enregistrées par différents types de sismographes dont le principe de fonctionnement et la répartition à la surface du globe sont exposés dans la première partie de cet article. L’aspect des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Characters of Shakespear's Plays — … Wikipedia
Migraine — This article is about the disorder. For other uses, see Migraine (disambiguation). Migraine Classification and external resources The pain of a migraine headache can be debilitating. ICD 10 … Wikipedia
Mifepristone — Systematic (IUPAC) name 11β [p (Dimethylamino)phenyl] 17β hyd … Wikipedia
Abdominal aortic aneurysm — Classification and external resources CT reconstruction image of an abdominal aortic aneurysm ICD 10 I … Wikipedia
Canine gastropexy — is a surgical procedure performed on large breed dogs to prevent gastric dilatation, commonly known as torsion bloat. Torsion bloat is a life threatening condition in which the stomach flips over and expands, trapping air and gases in the stomach … Wikipedia
abortion — /euh bawr sheuhn/, n. 1. Also called voluntary abortion. the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. 2. any of various surgical methods for terminating a pregnancy, esp. during the first six months. 3. Also… … Universalium
CŒUR — LA TRADITION a, pendant des siècles, fait du cœur le viscère noble, parfois même pieusement recueilli après la mort des héros, puis embaumé, pour être offert à la vénération. Un transfert suggestif lui a valu d’être paré des qualités de l’âme,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ALPHABET, HEBREW — The origin of alphabetic script has always been a subject of human curiosity. According to Greek mythology, script was brought to Greece from Phoenicia. This tradition was accepted by the Greek and Roman writers, some of whom developed it even… … Encyclopedia of Judaism