strong closure

strong closure
мат. сильное замыкание

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "strong closure" в других словарях:

  • Strong operator topology — In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, the strong operator topology, often abbreviated SOT, is the weakest topology on the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space (or, more generally, on a Banach space) such that the evaluation map… …   Wikipedia

  • Cognitive closure (philosophy) — Problems of inquiry Cognitive closure (philosophy) Cognitive bias (psychology) Empirical limits in science This box: view · talk · …   Wikipedia

  • Triadic closure — is a concept in social network theory, first suggested by German sociologist Georg Simmel in the early 1900s. [ [ Georg Simmel] , originator of the concept: Facebook article… …   Wikipedia

  • Causal closure — is a metaphysical theory about the nature of causation in the physical realm with significant ramifications in the study of the mind.DefinitionCausal closure has two main formulations a weak and a strong form. The weak form states: No physical… …   Wikipedia

  • keylock closure — /ˈkilɒk kloʊʒə/ (say keelok klohzhuh) noun a strong notched plastic strip used for fastening the top of large disposable plastic bags …  

  • Von Neumann bicommutant theorem — In mathematics, the von Neumann bicommutant theorem in functional analysis relates the closure of a set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space in certain topologies to the bicommutant of that set. In essence, it is a connection between the… …   Wikipedia

  • Catullus 2 — is a renowned poem by the Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus ( c . 84 ndash; c . 54 BC) that describes the affectionate relationship between Catullus lover, Lesbia, and her pet sparrow. As scholar and poet John Swinnerton Phillimore has noted,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kaplansky density theorem — In the theory of von Neumann algebras, the Kaplansky density theorem states thatif A is a * subalgebra of the algebra B ( H ) of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H , then the strong closure of the unit ball of A in B ( H ) is the unit ball of …   Wikipedia

  • Bicommutant — In algebra, the bicommutant of a subset S of a semigroup (such as an algebra or a group) is the commutant of the commutant of that subset. It is also known as the double commutant or second commutant and is written S^{prime prime}.The bicommutant …   Wikipedia

  • performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical.       The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains …   Universalium

  • cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… …   Universalium

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