stripe set — A single volume created across multiple hard disk drives and accessed in parallel to optimize disk access time. See also disk striping; disk striping with parity … Dictionary of networking
stripe — Synonyms and related words: Hershey bar, animus, aptitude, aviation badge, badge, band, bandeau, bar, baste, bastinado, beat, belabor, belt, bent, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, bias, birch, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blood, blotch, body build … Moby Thesaurus
set — Synonyms and related words: A to Z, A to izzard, Brownian movement, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Zeitgeist, abet, accepted, accommodate, accord, accretion, acrid, aculeate, acuminate, acute, adapt, address, adhere, adherence, adhesion, adjust,… … Moby Thesaurus
stripe — I n 1. band, bar, tricolor, tiger stripe, zebra stripe, striation; furrow, ridge, stria, Archit. strix, flute; streak, streaking, lineation, delineation; line, dash, stroke, score, scratch; rule, mark, slash, hatching, hachure. 2. strip, braid,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Jeopardy! set evolution — The set of the American television game show Jeopardy! has evolved through a number of iterations during its (non continuous) decades long broadcast history. As the show has matured into a fixture of American popular culture and as display… … Wikipedia
stone stripe — noun : one of a set of roughly parallel bands of alternately finer and coarser rock debris that result from solifluction or congeliturbation on fairly steep slopes usually used in plural … Useful english dictionary
Standard RAID levels — The standard RAID levels are a basic set of RAID configurations and employ striping, mirroring, or parity.The standard RAID levels can be nested for other benefits ( see Nested RAID levels ). Concatenation (SPAN) The controller treats each drive… … Wikipedia
RAID — ist ein Akronym für engl. „Redundant Array of Independent Disks“, also „Redundante Anordnung unabhängiger Festplatten“ (ursprünglich engl. „Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks“; deutsch „Redundante Anordnung kostengünstiger Festplatten“; was aus … Deutsch Wikipedia
patch — Synonyms and related words: Hershey bar, X ray, actinic ray, actinism, area, atomic beam, atomic ray, aviation badge, badge, bailiwick, bar, bat out, beam, beam of light, birthmark, blaze, blemish, block, bloodstain, blot, blotch, blur, botch,… … Moby Thesaurus
bar — Synonyms and related words: Hershey bar, Maypole, abscind, accent, accent mark, achievement, ait, alehouse, alerion, ambo, amputate, animal charge, annihilate, annulet, anticipate, arch dam, archipelago, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms,… … Moby Thesaurus
disk striping — The technique of combining a set of disk partitions located on different hard disks into a single volume, creating a virtual stripe across the partitions that the operating system recognizes as a single drive. Disk striping can occur at the… … Dictionary of networking