strip the oil
Смотреть что такое "strip the oil" в других словарях:
The Little King — was a comic strip created by Otto Soglow, famously telling its stories in a style using images and very few words, a pantomime comic strip. Publication historyIt first appeared in 1931 in The New Yorker and soon showed signs of becoming a… … Wikipedia
Oil sands — The Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada, are a very large source of bitumen, which can be upgraded to synthetic crude oil. Bituminous sands, colloquially known as oil sands or tar sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. The… … Wikipedia
The Broken Ear — (L Oreille cassée) Cover of the English edition Publisher Casterman Date … Wikipedia
The Crab with the Golden Claws — (Le Crabe aux pinces d or) Cover of the English edition Publisher Casterma … Wikipedia
strip|per — «STRIHP uhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that strips, such as a varnish or paint remover. 2. an oil well that can produce oil only a few hours a day, requiring several hours to rebuild enough pressure for the oil to flow freely through the sand.… … Useful english dictionary
The Baby Snooks Show — was an American radio program starring comedienne and Ziegfeld Follies alumna Fanny Brice as a mischievous young girl who was 40 years younger than the actress who played her when she first went on the air. The series began on CBS September 17,… … Wikipedia
The Guardian — For other uses, see The Guardian (disambiguation). The Guardian A Guardian front page from July 2011 Type Daily newspaper Format Berliner … Wikipedia
Oil shale — For the scientific technical journal, see Oil Shale (journal). Not to be confused with Shale oil or Tight oil. Oil shale Sedimentary Rock Combustion of oil shale Composition … Wikipedia
Oil shale industry — Stuart oil shale pilot plant (now dismantled) Oil shale industry is an industry of mining and processing of oil shale a fine grained sedimentary rock, containing significant amounts of kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds), from … Wikipedia
The Kin-der-Kids — and Wee Willie Winkie s World were early newspaper comics authored by painter Lyonel Feininger, and published by the Chicago Sunday Tribune in 1906 and 1907.Similar in form to Little Nemo and the later Sunday editions of Krazy Kat , most of… … Wikipedia
The Transformers (Marvel Comics) — The Transformers If this infobox is not supposed to have an image, please add |noimage=yes . Publication information Publisher … Wikipedia