

1) таблица строк
2) (Windows-ресурс, содержащий список идентификаторов, значений и заголовков используемых в приложении;
компилятор ресурсов преобразовывает его в файл определения ресурса (resource-definition file) , разделяя на блоки по 16 строк, каждая из которых запоминается как отдельный ресурс (string resource) )

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "string-table" в других словарях:

  • String interning — In computer science, string interning is a method of storing only one copy of each distinct string value, which must be immutable. Interning strings makes some string processing tasks more time or space efficient at the cost of requiring more… …   Wikipedia

  • String — (str[i^]ng), n. [OE. string, streng, AS. streng; akin to D. streng, G. strang, Icel. strengr, Sw. str[ a]ng, Dan. str[ae]ng; probably from the adj., E. strong (see {Strong}); or perhaps originally meaning, twisted, and akin to E. strangle.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • String band — String String (str[i^]ng), n. [OE. string, streng, AS. streng; akin to D. streng, G. strang, Icel. strengr, Sw. str[ a]ng, Dan. str[ae]ng; probably from the adj., E. strong (see {Strong}); or perhaps originally meaning, twisted, and akin to E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • String beans — String String (str[i^]ng), n. [OE. string, streng, AS. streng; akin to D. streng, G. strang, Icel. strengr, Sw. str[ a]ng, Dan. str[ae]ng; probably from the adj., E. strong (see {Strong}); or perhaps originally meaning, twisted, and akin to E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • string line — String String (str[i^]ng), n. [OE. string, streng, AS. streng; akin to D. streng, G. strang, Icel. strengr, Sw. str[ a]ng, Dan. str[ae]ng; probably from the adj., E. strong (see {Strong}); or perhaps originally meaning, twisted, and akin to E.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • string — [striŋ] n. [ME streng < OE, akin to Ger strang: see STRONG] 1. a) a thin line of twisted fiber used for tying, pulling, fastening, etc.; slender cord or thick thread b) a narrow strip of leather or cloth for fastening shoes, clothing, etc.;… …   English World dictionary

  • String resonance (music) — String resonance occurs on string instruments. Strings or parts of strings may resonate at their fundamental or overtone frequencies when other strings are sounded. For example, an A string at 440 Hz will cause an E string at 330 Hz to resonate,… …   Wikipedia

  • Table saw — A table saw, equipped for cutting large pieces of sheet stock. Other names Sawbench Classification Power tool Manufacturer Bosch, Makita …   Wikipedia

  • Table associative — Tableau associatif En informatique, un tableau associatif (aussi appelé dictionnaire ou table d association) est un type de données associant à un ensemble de clefs un ensemble correspondant de valeurs. Ces ensembles sont bien entendu finis.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Table d'association — Tableau associatif En informatique, un tableau associatif (aussi appelé dictionnaire ou table d association) est un type de données associant à un ensemble de clefs un ensemble correspondant de valeurs. Ces ensembles sont bien entendu finis.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • String (C++) — In the C++ programming language, the std::string class is a standard representation for a string of text. This class removes many of the problems introduced by C style strings by putting the onus of memory ownership on the string class rather… …   Wikipedia

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