string figure
Смотреть что такое "string figure" в других словарях:
String figure — A string figure is a design formed by manipulating string on, around, and using one s fingers or sometimes between the fingers of multiple people. String figures may also involve the use of the mouth, wrist, and feet. They may consist of singular … Wikipedia
string figure — noun 1. : a figure representing any of various objects that is made by passing a string around the fingers of both hands sometimes with the help of a second person anthropologists find the making of string figures common in many simple cultures… … Useful english dictionary
string figure — Hei, uene. To make string figures, hei. Twist of fingers in string figures, lumaha i. Dickey describes 115 Hawaiian figures (not including slip tricks) … English-Hawaiian dictionary
International String Figure Association — The International String Figure Association is not for profit organization for the preservation, dissemination, and creation of string figures. The association was founded in 1978 by mathematician Hiroshi Noguchi and Anglican missionary Philip… … Wikipedia
String — Wiktionarypar|stringGenerally, string is a thin, flexible piece of rope or twine which is used to tie, bind, or hang other objects. String can be made from a variety of fibres.Examples of string use include: * String figures, designs formed by… … Wikipedia
string — Kaula, aho (cord); aha (as for musical instruments); kuaina (twine). Also: hili; kālī, kāili (as for threading things); ma a. See string figure. To string, kui, kōī, mānai, mākila, mōkila (as leis); hili, uo. String of fish, kālī i… … English-Hawaiian dictionary
string game — noun see string figure 2 … Useful english dictionary
String section — The string section is the largest body of the standard orchestra and consists of bowed string instruments of the violin family. It normally comprises five sections: the first violins, the second violins, the violas, the cellos, and the double… … Wikipedia
Figure 8 (album) — Color Bars redirects here. For The Television test pattern with color bars, see Test card. Figure 8 Studio album by Elliott Smith … Wikipedia
Figure-eight knot (mathematics) — In knot theory, a figure eight knot (also called Listing s knot) is the unique knot with a crossing number of four. This is the smallest possible crossing number except for the unknot and trefoil knot. Origin of name The name is given because… … Wikipedia
Figure (music) — In Beethoven s Fifth Symphony a four note figure becomes the most important motif Play … Wikipedia