string bead

string bead
узкий валик

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "string bead" в других словарях:

  • Bead stringing — is the putting of beads on string.It can range from simply sliding a single bead onto any thread like medium (string, silk thread, leather thong, thin wire, multi strand beading wire) to complex creations that have multiple strands or interwoven… …   Wikipedia

  • bead — [bēd] n. [ME bede, prayer, prayer bead < OE bed < biddan, to pray, ask: see BID1] 1. a small, usually round piece of glass, wood, metal, etc., pierced for stringing 2. [pl.] ROSARY (sense 1a) 3. [pl.] a string of beads; necklace …   English World dictionary

  • Bead — (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics to count… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bead and butt — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bead mold — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bead mould — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bead tool — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bead tree — Bead Bead (b[=e]d), n. [OE. bede prayer, prayer bead, AS. bed, gebed, prayer; akin to D. bede, G. bitte, AS. biddan, to ask, bid, G. bitten to ask, and perh. to Gr. pei qein to persuade, L. fidere to trust. Beads are used by the Roman Catholics… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bead — ► NOUN 1) a small piece of glass, stone, etc., threaded in a string with others to make a necklace or rosary. 2) a drop of a liquid on a surface. 3) a small knob forming the foresight of a gun. 4) the reinforced inner edge of a tyre. ► VERB 1)… …   English terms dictionary

  • bead — [bi:d] n [: Old English; Origin: bed, gebed prayer ; because people counted beads while saying their prayers] 1.) one of a set of small, usually round, pieces of glass, wood, plastic etc, that you can put on a string and wear as jewellery ▪ She… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • string — [striŋ] n. [ME streng < OE, akin to Ger strang: see STRONG] 1. a) a thin line of twisted fiber used for tying, pulling, fastening, etc.; slender cord or thick thread b) a narrow strip of leather or cloth for fastening shoes, clothing, etc.;… …   English World dictionary

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