strike fire
Смотреть что такое "strike fire" в других словарях:
fire — [fīr] n. [ME fyr < OE, akin to Ger feuer < IE base * pewōr > Gr pyra, PYRE, Czech pýř, glowing embers] 1. the active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion 2. fuel burning in a furnace, fireplace, etc. 3 … English World dictionary
fire — I n. destructive burning 1) to set, start a fire; to set fire to (they set fire to the barn) 2) to catch fire (the house caught fire) 3) to contain; extinguish, put out; stamp out a fire; to bring a fire under control 4) a raging, roaring fire 5) … Combinatory dictionary
Fire Services Department, Hong Kong — InfoboxFireDepartment name = Fire Services Department motto = established = 1868 staffing = strength = 9,351 (8,675 uniformed and 676 civilian), 2,350 (ambulance service) stations = 77 engines = trucks = squads = rescues = EMSunits =… … Wikipedia
strike home — Synonyms and related words: affect, come home to, evoke a response, get a reaction, get a response, hit, hit a nerve, hit home, hit the mark, impress, impress forcibly, make an impression, ring a bell, rock, sink in, smite, strike, strike fire,… … Moby Thesaurus
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fire Emblem: Radiant dawn Desarrolladora(s) Intelligent Systems Distribuidora(s) Nintendo Director(es) Taeko K … Wikipedia Español
Strike Under — was an influential Chicago punk rock band of the early 1980s. It was started by Steve Bjorklund after the demise of The Rabbits. The principal musicians, besides Bjorklund, were his brother Chris Bjorklund and Pierre Kezdy.Strike Under was… … Wikipedia
Strike Witches — Japanese light novel cover of Strike Witches volume 1 ストライクウィッチーズ Genre Military science fiction … Wikipedia
Strike-a-Light River — Strike a Light RiverVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage New South Wales (Australien) Flusssystem Murray River Abfluss über Bredbo River → … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strike Team — is a common phrase generally referring to a small group of people with a specialized purpose. Specifically, the term may refer to:*A group of wildland firefighters Wildland Fire Strike Team *A group of moderators on the XWIS Command and Conquer… … Wikipedia
Fire Controlman — (abbreviated as FC) is a United States Navy occupational rating.Fire Controlmen (FC) provide system employment recommendations; perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on digital computer equipment, subsystems, and systems; operate… … Wikipedia
Fire in the hole — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fire in the hole (literalmente, fuego en el hoyo) es una expresión utilizada por las fuerzas armadas de habla inglesa cuando se lanza una granada o se activa una bomba como método de alerta a quienes rodean al… … Wikipedia Español