strike an average
Смотреть что такое "strike an average" в других словарях:
Average strike option — опцион, цена исполнения которого заменяется средним арифметическим цен базового актива, которые наблюдались в период до погашения опциона. См. также: Опционы последовательности цен Финансовый словарь Финам … Финансовый словарь
Average Strike Option — A type of Asian option in which the strike price is based on an average of the spot rate over a period of time. The dates used to calculate the average strike price cover the life of the option, and are referred to as the fixings . When the… … Investment dictionary
Average Price Call — A type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the average price of the asset exceeds the strike. The average price of these exotic options is derived with a timeframe that is determined at the creation of the option … Investment dictionary
Average Joe (TV series) — Average Joe Genre Reality Television Directed by Tony Croll Jason Raff (Season 1) Country of origin United States Language(s) English No. of seasons … Wikipedia
Strike rate — refers to two different statistics in the sport of cricket. Batting strike rate is a measure of how frequently a batsman achieves the primary goal of batting, namely scoring runs. Bowling strike rate is a measure of how frequently a bowler… … Wikipedia
Average Rate Option - ARO — An option used to hedge against fluctuations in exchange rates by averaging the spot rates over the life of the option and comparing that to the strike price of the option. Average rate options are typically purchased for daily, weekly or monthly … Investment dictionary
strike — strikeless, adj. /struyk/, v., struck or (Obs.) strook; struck or (esp. for 31 34) stricken or (Obs.) strook; striking; n., adj. v.t. 1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit … Universalium
Strike Back (TV series) — Chris Ryan s Strike Back Blu ray cover for the series. Genre Action Drama Military … Wikipedia
strike — [c]/straɪk / (say struyk) verb (struck) or stricken) –verb (t) 1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit: he struck her and she fell to the floor. 2. to deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust with …
strike — v. & n. v. (past struck; past part. struck or archaic stricken) 1 a tr. subject to an impact. b tr. deliver (a blow) or inflict a blow on. 2 tr. come or bring sharply into contact with (the ship struck a rock). 3 tr. propel or divert with a blow… … Useful english dictionary
strike a balance — Synonyms and related words: accommodate, adjust, amortize, average, average out, avoid extremes, balance, balance the books, be conservative, be heavy, be moderate, be pacifistic, book, cancel, capitalize, carry, carry over, carry weight, cast up … Moby Thesaurus