strict property
Смотреть что такое "strict property" в других словарях:
Property — • The person who enjoys the full right to dispose of it insofar as is not forbidden by law Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Property Property … Catholic encyclopedia
strict foreclosure — n 1: a proceeding in which the amount due on a mortgage is determined and a period of time within which it must be paid is fixed with the understanding that in the event of the mortgagor s default title will be vested in the mortgagee free of any … Law dictionary
Property law — is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property (land as distinct from personal or movable possessions) and in personal property, within the common law legal system. In the civil law system, there is a division… … Wikipedia
Strict liability — Tort law Part of the … Wikipedia
Property dualism — In other words, it is the view that non physical, mental properties (such as beliefs, desires and emotions) adhere in some physical substances (namely brains). Substance dualism, on the other hand, is the view that there exist two kinds of… … Wikipedia
strict liability — Liability without fault. Goodwin v. Reilley, 1 Dist., 176 Cal.App.3d 86, 221 Cal.Rptr. 374, 376. A concept applied by the courts in product liability cases in which seller is liable for any and all defective or hazardous products which unduly… … Black's law dictionary
property — That which is peculiar or proper to any person; that which belongs exclusively to one. In the strict legal sense, an aggregate of rights which are guaranteed and protected by the government. Fulton Light, Heat & Power Co. v. State, 65 Misc.Rep.… … Black's law dictionary
Property — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Property >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 property property possession suum cuique meum et tuum GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 ownership ownership proprietorship lordship Sgm: N 2 seignority seignority … English dictionary for students
strict foreclosure — The foreclosure of a mortgage without a sale of the mortgaged property, being accomplished by a suit in equity and a decree rendered therein extinguishing the mortgagor s equity of redemption, such decree calling for payment of the debt secured… … Ballentine's law dictionary
strict foreclosure — noun : a proceeding in equity that determines by decree the amount due on a mortgage, fixes a time within which the mortgagor debtor must pay it, and vests in case of his default absolute title in the mortgagee forever free of any right of the… … Useful english dictionary
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights — TRIPS redirects here. For the new microprocessor design, see TRIPS architecture. For the German racing driver, see Wolfgang Graf Berghe von Trips The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an international… … Wikipedia