stress again
Смотреть что такое "stress again" в других словарях:
stress — [stres] noun [uncountable] continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life, that prevent you from relaxing: • a stress related illness (= one caused by stress ) • She s been under stress at work. • a stress management consultant … Financial and business terms
stress — n 1 Stress, strain, pressure, tension are comparable terms when they apply to the action or effect of force exerted within or upon a thing. Stress and strain are the comprehensive terms of this group and are sometimes used interchangeably {put… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Stress-energy-momentum pseudotensor — In the theory of general relativity, a stress energy momentum pseudotensor, such as the Landau Lifshitz pseudotensor, is an extension of the non gravitational stress energy tensor which incorporates the energy momentum of gravity. It allows the… … Wikipedia
stress puppy — n. A person who thrives on stress, yet complains about it constantly. Example Citation: As a nation we have metamorphosed into the walking, climbing, rambling caravanning bonkers land. The living endorsement of every good communist poster of the… … New words
stress — 1. in. to suffer annoyance; to experience stress. □ I’m stressing again! Please don’t annoy me! □ Clare finds that she is stressing more and more about little things. 2. tv. to annoy or bother someone. (See also stressed.) □ Don’t stress Wally!… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Stress testing, radionucleide — This procedure involves injecting a radioactive isotope (typically thallium or cardiolyte) into the patient’s vein after which an image of the patient’s heart becomes visible with a special camera. The radioactive isotopes are absorbed by the… … Medical dictionary
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder — (C PTSD) is a psychological injury that results from protracted exposure to prolonged social and/or interpersonal trauma with lack or loss of control, disempowerment, and in the context of either captivity or entrapment, i.e. the lack of a viable … Wikipedia
Minority stress — describes chronically high levels of stress faced by members of stigmatized minority groups.[1] It may be caused by a number of factors, including poor social support and low socioeconomic status, but the most well understood causes of minority… … Wikipedia
Combat stress reaction — Shell shock and shell shocked redirect here. For other uses, see Shell shock (disambiguation). Image from World War I taken in an Australian dressing station near Ypres in 1917. The wounded soldier in the lower left of the photo has a dazed… … Wikipedia
Natural Stress — Abiotic stress is stress produced by natural factors such as extreme temperatures, wind, drought, and salinity. Man doesn’t have much control over abiotic stresses. It is very important for humans to understand how stress factors affect plants… … Wikipedia
Critical incident stress management — (CISM) is an adaptive short term helping process that focuses solely on an immediate and identifiable problem. It spans pre incident preparedness to acute crisis to post crisis follow up. Its stated purpose is to enable people to return to their… … Wikipedia