Смотреть что такое "streamwise" в других словарях:
streamwise — adjective In the direction of a stream … Wiktionary
Balanced flow — In atmospheric science, balanced flow is an idealisation of atmospheric motion. The idealisation consists in considering the behaviour of one isolated parcel of air having constant density, its motion on a horizontal plane subject to selected… … Wikipedia
Boundary layer — For the anatomical structure, see Boundary layer of uterus. Boundary layer visualization, showing transition from laminar to turbulent condition In physics and fluid mechanics, a boundary layer is that layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of… … Wikipedia
tornado — tornadic /tawr nad ik, nay dik/, adj. tornadolike, adj. /tawr nay doh/, n., pl. tornadoes, tornados. 1. a localized, violently destructive windstorm occurring over land, esp. in the Middle West, and characterized by a long, funnel shaped cloud… … Universalium
FALKNER — UNITED KINGDOM (see also List of Individuals) 24.1.1897 Peckham/UK 14.8.1965 Teddington/UK Victor Montague Falkner was from the early 1930s a collaborator of the National Physical Laboratory NPL and there remained during the war. He collaborated… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Lift (force) — For other uses, see Lift. Boeing 747 8F landing A fluid flowing past the surface of a body exerts a surface force on it. Lift is the component of this force that is perpendicular to the … Wikipedia
Tornado — This article is about the weather phenomenon. For other uses, see Tornado (disambiguation). For the current tornado season, see Tornadoes of 2011 … Wikipedia
Shear stress — SI symbol: τ SI unit: pascal Derivations from other quantities: τ = F / A … Wikipedia
Boundary layer transition — The process of a laminar boundary layer becoming turbulent is known as boundary layer transition. This process is an extraordinarily complicated process which at present is not fully understood. However, as the result of many decades of intensive … Wikipedia
Turbulence modeling — is the area of physical modeling where a simpler mathematical model than the full time dependent Navier Stokes Equations is used to predict the effects of turbulence.There are various mathematical models used in flow modelling to understand… … Wikipedia
Kite types — Colorful delta wing kite Kites are tethered flying objects which fly by using aerodynamic lift, requiring wind, (or towing), for generation of airflow over the lifting surfaces. Contents 1 Kite … Wikipedia