- stream protocol
- протокол управления потоком (сообщений)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Internet Stream Protocol — The Internet Stream Protocol (ST) is an experimental protocol defined in Internet Engineering Note IEN 119 (1979), which was later revised in RFC 1190 (ST2) and RFC 1819 (ST2+). ST packets carried the experimental non IP real time stream protocol … Wikipedia
AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol — (ADSP) ist ein Begriff aus der Informatik. Das AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol, oder kurz ADSP ist ein symmetrisches, verbindungsorientiertes Protokoll in einem AppleTalk Netz, über das zwei Rechner eine virtuelle Datenverbindung aufbauen und über … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — (SCTP) Familia: Familia de protocolos de Internet Función: Protocolo de transporte confiable, con secuanciación con control de congestión, orientado a mensajes. Ubicación en la pila de protocolos Aplicación protocolo … Wikipedia Español
Stream recorder — Stream recorder, also called a stream ripper, is a computer program capable of saving a data stream – particularly streaming media such as encoded music or video – to a file, instead of playing it right away. The process is sometimes referred to… … Wikipedia
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — (SCTP) es un protocolo de comunicación de capa de transporte que fue definido por el grupo SIGTRAN de IETF en el año 2000. El protocolo está especificado en la RFC 2960, y la RFC 3286 brinda una introducción al mismo. Como protocolo de transporte … Enciclopedia Universal
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — In computer networking, the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a Transport Layer protocol, serving in a similar role as the popular protocols TCP and UDP. Indeed, it provides some of the same service features of both, ensuring… … Wikipedia
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — Pile de protocoles 7. Application 6. Présentation 5. Session 4. T … Wikipédia en Français
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) Familie: Internetprotokollfamilie Einsatzgebiet: Zuverlässiges Transportprotokoll, das auf einem verbindungslosen Paketdienst aufsetzt SCTP im TCP/IP‑Protokollstapel: Anwendung Streaming Protokoll… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Protocol-based intrusion detection system — A protocol based intrusion detection system (PIDS) is an intrusion detection system which is typically installed on a web server, and is used in the monitoring and analysis of the protocol in use by the computing system. A PIDS will monitor the… … Wikipedia
Stream Control Transmission Protocol — SCTP (англ. Stream Control Transmission Protocol «протокол передачи с управлением потоком»), протокол транспортного уровня в компьютерных сетях, родившийся в 2000 году в RFC 4960 описывает этот протокол, а RFC 3286 содержит техническое вступление … Википедия
Stream socket — In computer networking, a stream socket is a type of internet socket which provides a connection oriented, sequenced, and unduplicated flow of data without record boundaries, with well defined mechanisms for creating and destroying connections… … Wikipedia