- stream energy
1. гидр. энергия потока
2. гидроэнергетический потенциал
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Stream Energy — is a retail electricity provider active in the Texas deregulated power sector and headquartered within the [http://www.infomartusa.com/history home.html Infomart] building in Dallas. Stream Energy services residential power customers located… … Wikipedia
Stream-flow — The rate at which water passes agiven point in a stream, usually expressed in cubic feet per second. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Energy Future Holdings Corporation — is an energy company headquartered in Energy Plaza in Dallas, Texas. The company was known as TXU until its $45 billion leveraged buyout by KKR, TPG Capital and Goldman Sachs. That purchase was the largest leveraged buyout in history.HistoryThe… … Wikipedia
Energy Future Holdings — Coordinates: 32°46′59″N 96°47′57″W / 32.7831390°N 96.7991060°W / 32.7831390; 96.7991060 … Wikipedia
Energy recovery — includes any technique or method of minimizing the input of energy to an overall system by the exchange of energy from one sub system of the overall system with another. The energy can be in any form in either subsystem, but most energy recovery… … Wikipedia
Energy drink — Energy drinks are beverages whose producers advertise that they boost energy. These advertisements usually do not emphasize energy derived from the sugar and caffeine they contain[1] but rather increased energy release due to a variety of… … Wikipedia
stream — [strēm] n. [ME strem < OE stream, akin to Ger strom < IE base * sreu , to flow > Gr rheein, to flow] 1. a current or flow of water or other liquid, esp. one running along the surface of the earth; specif., a small river 2. a steady… … English World dictionary
Energy 104.2 — ist ein privater Hörfunksender aus Wien. Der Musiksender gehört zur NRJ Group. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Programm 2 Geschichte und Beteiligungen 3 Reichweite 4 Literatur 5 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Energy 104,2 — ist ein privater Hörfunksender aus Wien. Der Musiksender gehört zur NRJ Group und wird von der N C Privatradio Betriebs GmbH betrieben. Geschäftsführerin ebendieser ist Aline Basel. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Programm 2 Geschichte und Beteiligungen 3… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Energy recovery ventilation — is the process of exchanging the energy contained in normally exhausted building or space air and using it to treat the incoming outdoor ventilation air in residential and commercial HVAC systems. The benefit of using energy recovery is the… … Wikipedia
energy conversion — ▪ technology Introduction the transformation of energy from forms provided by nature to forms that can be used by humans. Over the centuries a wide array of devices and systems has been developed for this purpose. Some of these energy … Universalium