- streak culture
- "штриховая" культура (нанесенная штрихом на твердую питательную среду)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
streak culture — noun : a culture inoculated with a streak … Useful english dictionary
streak culture — a culture in which the surface of a solid medium is inoculated by drawing across it, in a zigzag fashion, a wire inoculating loop carrying the inoculum … Medical dictionary
streak — [strēk] n. [ME streke < OE strica: for IE base see STRIKE] 1. a line or long, thin mark; stripe or smear, generally differing in color or texture from the surrounding area 2. a ray of light or a flash, as of lightning 3. a vein or stratum of a … English World dictionary
Culture of Argentina — Architecture Cinema Comics Cuisine Dance Holidays Humor … Wikipedia
streak — n. & v. n. 1 a long thin usu. irregular line or band, esp. distinguished by colour (black with red streaks; a streak of light above the horizon). 2 a strain or element in a person s character (has a streak of mischief). 3 a spell or series (a… … Useful english dictionary
Culture — A culture is the propagation of microorganisms in a growth media. Any body tissue or fluid can be evaluated in the laboratory by culture techniques in order to detect and identify infectious processes. Culture techniques also be used to determine … Medical dictionary
Culture of the Song Dynasty — A Song Dynasty Chinese inkstone with gold and silver markings, from the Nantoyōsō Collection, Japan The Song Dynasty (960–1279 AD) was a culturally rich and sophisticated age for China. There was blossomi … Wikipedia
Streak plate — A streak plate can refer to:* In streaking (microbiology), the plate used to incubate a culture * In streak (mineralogy), the plate used to produce the powder of a mineral … Wikipedia
Culture of Aruba — Aruba, one of the many islands that make up the Caribbean, was first discovered and claimed by the Spanish in 1499. Yet evidence and records show that the Spanish were definitely not the first people on the island. In fact, painted petrographs… … Wikipedia
streak plate — A petri dish of solid culture medium with isolated microbial colonies growing on its surface, which has been prepared by spreading a microbial mixture over the agar surface, using an inoculating loop … Dictionary of microbiology
streak plate — a plate of solid culture medium in which the infectious material is inoculated in streaks across the surface … Medical dictionary