straw wisp

straw wisp
соломенный жгут

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "straw wisp" в других словарях:

  • wisp´ like´ — wisp «wihsp», noun, verb. –n. 1. a small bundle; small bunch: »a wisp of hay. 2. a small portion of anything; slight bit; shred; fragment: »a wisp of hair, a wisp of smoke. 3. a little thing: »a wisp of a girl …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wisp — Wisp, n. [OE. wisp, wips; probably akin to D. & G. wisch, Icel. visk, and perhaps to L. virga a twig, rod. Cf. {Verge} a rod, {Whisk}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance. [1913 Webster] In a small basket, on …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wisp — [wisp] n. [ME, prob. < Scand, as in Swed visp, a bundle of rushes or twigs, akin to ON visk: see WHISK] 1. a small bundle or bunch, as of straw 2. a thin, slight, or filmy piece, strand, etc. [a wisp of smoke] 3. something delicate, frail, etc …   English World dictionary

  • wisp — wisplike, adj. /wisp/, n. 1. a handful or small bundle of straw, hay, or the like. 2. any thin tuft, lock, mass, etc.: wisps of hair. 3. a thin puff or streak, as of smoke; slender trace. 4. a person or thing that is small, delicate, or barely… …   Universalium

  • wisp — /wɪsp / (say wisp) noun 1. a handful or small bundle of straw, hay, or the like. 2. any small or thin tuft, lock, mass, etc.: wisps of hair. 3. anything small or thin, as a shred, bundle, or slip of something, sometimes used as a brush or whisk.… …  

  • wisp — I. noun Etymology: Middle English Date: 13th century 1. a small handful (as of hay or straw) 2. a. a thin strip or fragment b. a thready streak < a wisp of smoke > c. something frail, slight, or fleeting < a wisp of a girl > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wisp — [[t]wɪsp[/t]] n. 1) a handful or small bundle of straw, hay, or the like 2) any thin tuft, lock, mass, etc.: wisps of hair[/ex] 3) cvb a thin puff or streak, as of smoke; slender trace 4) a person or thing that is small, delicate, or barely… …   From formal English to slang

  • wisp — 1) a collective noun (a noun that denotes a collection of persons or things regarded as a unit) for eels 2) a bundle of fish tied together with a wisp of straw or other like material (Scottish dialect). Also spelled wusp …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • wisp — noun A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance; any slender, flexible structure or group. A wisp of smoke rose from the candle for a few moments after he blew it out …   Wiktionary

  • wisp — n. 1 a small bundle or twist of straw etc. 2 a small separate quantity of smoke, hair, etc. 3 a small thin person etc. 4 a flock (of snipe). Derivatives: wispy adj. (wispier, wispiest). wispily adv. wispiness n. Etymology: ME: orig. uncert.: cf.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • will-o'-the-wisp — 1660s, earlier Will with the wisp (c.1600), from the masc. proper name Will + wisp bundle of hay or straw used as a torch …   Etymology dictionary

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