- stratified sample
- расслоенная [стратифицированная] выборка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stratified sample — a sample in which the population has been divided into multiple mutually exclusive groups or strata before the sample was chosen; the most common form uses random samples, so that the term is often used to denote a stratified random s … Medical dictionary
stratified sample — noun the population is divided into strata and a random sample is taken from each stratum • Syn: ↑representative sample, ↑proportional sample • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑sample distribution, ↑sample, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
stratified sample — See sampling … Dictionary of sociology
Sample size determination — is the act of choosing the number of observations to include in a statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample … Wikipedia
stratified random sample — a stratified sample in which random samples are chosen within each stratum. Sometimes called stratified s … Medical dictionary
sample distribution — noun items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population • Syn: ↑sample, ↑sampling • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑distribution, ↑statistical distribution … Useful english dictionary
Stratified sampling — In statistics, stratified sampling is a method of sampling from a population.When sub populations vary considerably, it is advantageous to sample each subpopulation (stratum) independently. Stratification is the process of grouping members of the … Wikipedia
Stratified Random Sampling — A method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller groups known as strata. In stratified random sampling, the strata are formed based on members shared attributes or characteristics. A random sample from each stratum is… … Investment dictionary
Sample size — The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted n , a positive integer (natural number).Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in… … Wikipedia
Sample (statistics) — In statistics, a sample is a subset of a population. Typically, the population is very large, making a census or a complete enumeration of all the values in the population impractical or impossible. The sample represents a subset of manageable… … Wikipedia
sample — imtis statusas T sritis biomedicinos mokslai apibrėžtis 1) iš ↑populiacijos tyrimui atrinktų individų grupė; 2) iš ↑generalinės aibės tyrimui atrinktų objektų poaibis. Imtis gali būti atsitiktinė arba neatsitiktinė ir reprezentatyvioji arba… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)