- strathspey
- stræθˈspeɪ сущ. шотландский танец (медленнее, чем reel) стратспей (быстрый шотландский танец) strathspey шотландский танец (медленнее, чем reel)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Strathspey — bezeichnet einen schottischen Tanz sowie das zugehörige Musikstück. Kennzeichnend ist die strenge Rhythmik mit vielen punktierten Noten und „Scotch Snaps“ (Sechzehntelnoten gefolgt von punktierten Achteln, lombardischer Rhythmus). Er besteht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strathspey — may refer to one of the following:* Strathspey, Scotland, an area in the Highlands of Scotland; * Strathspey (dance) … Wikipedia
strathspey — [strath spā′] n. [after Strathspey, valley of Spey River, N Scotland: see STRATH] 1. a Scottish dance resembling, but slower than, the reel 2. the music for this … English World dictionary
Strathspey — Strath spey , n. [So called from the district of Strath Spey in Scotland.] A lively Scottish dance, resembling the reel, but slower; also, the tune. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Strathspey — Le Strathspey est danse et une musique de danse écossaise en mesure à 4/4, habituellement écrite en croche, originaire du Speyside, région située à l ouest d Aberdeen. Portail de la danse … Wikipédia en Français
strathspey — [straθ speɪ] noun a slow Scottish dance. ↘a piece of music for such a dance, typically in 4/4 time. Origin C18: named after Strathspey in Scotland … English new terms dictionary
Strathspey — Sp Stratspėjus Ap Strathspey L kraštovaizdis Jungtinėje Karalystėje (Škotijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Strathspey — Sp Stratspėjus Ap Strathspey L kraštovaizdis D. Britanijoje (Škotijoje) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
strathspey — n. 1 a slow Scottish dance. 2 the music for this. Etymology: Strathspey, valley of the river Spey … Useful english dictionary
Strathspey, Scotland — Strathspey (Scottish Gaelic, Srath Spè ) is the area around the strath of the River Spey, Scotland, in both the Moray council area and the Badenoch and Strathspey committee area of Highland.It is also one of the main centres of the Scotch whisky… … Wikipedia
Strathspey Railway — may refer to two different railways*Strathspey Railway (preserved) The preserved railway running from Aviemore to Broomhill *Strathspey Railway (GNoSR) The historic railway built in the 19th century (now closed) between Boat of Garten and… … Wikipedia