strategy domain

strategy domain
область стратегии

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "strategy domain" в других словарях:

  • Domain-specific modeling — (DSM) is a software engineering methodology for designing and developing systems, such as computer software. It involves systematic use of a domain specific language (DSL) to represent the various facets of a system. DSM languages tend to support …   Wikipedia

  • Domain-specific multimodeling — Domain specific multimodeling[1] is a software development paradigm where each view is made explicit as a separate domain specific language (DSL). Successful development of a modern enterprise system requires the convergence of multiple views.… …   Wikipedia

  • Domain-specific entertainment language — Domain specific entertainment languages are a group of domain specific languages that are used describe computer games or environments, or potentially used for other entertainment such as video or music. Contents 1 Game languages 2 Interactive… …   Wikipedia

  • Domain testing — is one of the most widely practiced software testing techniques. It is a method of selecting a small number of test cases from a nearly infinite group of candidate test cases.[1][2][3][4] …   Wikipedia

  • Domain Name System Security Extensions — Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP DHCP DNS FTP HTTP …   Wikipedia

  • Strategy — A Strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, most often winning. Strategy is differentiated from tactics or immediate actions with resources at hand by its nature of being extensively premeditated, and often… …   Wikipedia

  • domain strategy — The branding and positioning of a firm to enable its website to be found easily, especially the domain name and subdomains chosen …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Chronology of real-time strategy video games — Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • Games Domain — was a computer and video games website founded by Dave Stanworth and based out of Birmingham, UK. One of the more prominent gaming websites of the late 1990s, it was at one time mirrored in seven different countries and had a tumultuous history… …   Wikipedia

  • A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower — is the United States newest maritime strategy.[1] It was presented by the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandants of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Coast Guard at the International Seapower Symposium at the U.S. Naval War College in… …   Wikipedia

  • Maritime domain awareness — (MDA) is defined as the effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment. It is part of a US government interagency and international maritime security effort …   Wikipedia

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