strategic stockpile

strategic stockpile
запас материалов стратегического значения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "strategic stockpile" в других словарях:

  • Strategic uranium reserves — refer to uranium inventories held by the government of a particular country, as well as private industry, for the purpose of providing economic and national security during an energy crisis.North AmericaIn the early 1990s, the United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic Petroleum Reserve — This article refers to the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve. For other countries see global strategic petroleum reserves The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is an emergency fuel store of petroleum maintained by the United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic National Stockpile — The Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) is the United States national repository of antibiotics, vaccines, chemical antidotes, antitoxins and other critical medical equipment and supplies. In the event of a national emergency involving… …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty — Not to be confused with Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SORT / Treaty of Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions Presidents Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush sign SORT on 24 May 2002 in Moscow Type …   Wikipedia

  • Stockpile (disambiguation) — A Stockpile is a temporary storage method used in bulk material handling.Stockpile may also refer to:* A military stockpile, a staging tactic involving the grouping of resources * A soil stockpile, a method of storing topsoil during civil… …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic Forces Command — The Indian Strategic Forces Command (SFC), sometimes called The Strategic Nuclear Command forms part of India s Nuclear Command Authority (NCA). It is responsible for the management and administration of the country s tactical and strategic… …   Wikipedia

  • stockpile — 1) An unusually large stock of a raw material held by an organization in anticipation of a shortage, transport strike, planned production increase, etc. 2) A large stock of strategic materials, food, etc. , built up by a government in… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Enduring Stockpile — The Enduring Stockpile is the United States s arsenal of nuclear weapons following the end of the Cold War. During the Cold War the United States produced over 70,000 nuclear weapons. By its end the U.S. stockpile was about 23,000 weapons of 26… …   Wikipedia

  • Global strategic petroleum reserves — ( GSPR ) refer to crude oil inventories (or stockpiles) held by the government of a particular country, as well as private industry, for the purpose of providing economic and national security during an energy crisis. According to the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Enduring Stockpile — Stock d armes nucléaires des États Unis Le terme Enduring Stockpile désigne le stock d armes nucléaires des États Unis après la fin de la Guerre froide[note 1]. Durant la Guerre froide, les États Unis ont fabriqué plus de 70 000 armes… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • СТРАТЕГИЯ НОВАЯ ЯДЕРНАЯ — стратегическая концепция, предусматривающая обеспечение безопасности США и их союзников в современном мире за счет «надежных вариантов ядерного и безъядерного ответа», а также «мощнейшего в мире ядерного потенциала», подкрепленного развернутыми… …   Война и мир в терминах и определениях

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