strategic arms limitation treaty

strategic arms limitation treaty
договор об ограничении стратегических вооружений

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "strategic arms limitation treaty" в других словарях:

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks — SALT redirects here. For other uses, see SALT (disambiguation). Gerald Ford and Leonid Brezhnev signing a joint communiqué on the SALT treaty in Vladivostok, November 23, 1974 The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty refers to two rounds of …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty — George H. W. Bush und Michail Gorbatschow bei der Unterzeichnung von START I in Moskau …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty — Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques B 52 détruit suite au Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, abrégé en START, (que l on peut traduire en « Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques »)… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty — Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques B 52 détruit suite au Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques. Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, abrégé en START, (que l on peut traduire en « Traité de réduction des armes stratégiques »)… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks — either of two preliminary five year agreements between the U.S. and the Soviet Union for the control of certain nuclear weapons, the first concluded in 1972 (SALT I) and the second drafted in 1979 (SALT II) but not ratified. * * *… …   Universalium

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks — Breschnew und US Präsident Carter bei der Unterzeichnung des SALT II Vertrags 1979 Die SALT Verträge (Verträge zur nuklearen Rüstungsbegrenzung) erhielten ihren Namen durch die Gespräche zur Begrenzung strategischer Rüstung (Strategic Arms… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) — Negotiations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union aimed at curtailing the manufacture of strategic nuclear missiles. The first round of negotiations began in 1969 and resulted in a treaty regulating antiballistic missiles and freezing the number …   Universalium

  • (the) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks — the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks [the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks] (abbr SALT) talks between the US and the USSR to limit their nuclear weapons. The first agreement was signed in 1972 by President N …   Useful english dictionary

  • Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty — Not to be confused with Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SORT / Treaty of Moscow Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reductions Presidents Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush sign SORT on 24 May 2002 in Moscow Type …   Wikipedia

  • Strategic Arms Reduction Talks — (abbr START) talks between the US and the USSR to reduce the number of their nuclear weapons. Reductions were made after President Reagan and the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty in 1987 and President Bush and Gorbachev… …   Universalium

  • Arms control — is an umbrella term for restrictions upon the development, production, stockpiling, proliferation, and usage of weapons, especially weapons of mass destruction. Arms control is typically exercised through the use of diplomacy which seeks to… …   Wikipedia

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