- strappado
- strəˈpeɪdəu сущ.;
ист. дыба Syn : rack (историческое) дыба strappado (pl os, oes) ист. дыба
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Strappado — is a form of torture in which a victim is suspended in the air by means of a rope attached to his or her hands which are tied behind their back, in which the arms are most likely dislocated. Weights may be added to the body. Other names for… … Wikipedia
Strappado — Strap*pa do, v. t. To punish or torture by the strappado. Milton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Strappado — Strap*pa do, n.; pl. {Strappadoes}. [It. strappata a pull, the strappado, from strappare to pull, from Prov. G. strapfen: cf. G. straff tense, stretched.] A military punishment formerly practiced, which consisted in drawing an offender to the top … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
strappado — [strə pā′dō, strəpä′dō] n. pl. strappadoes [It strappata < strappare, to pull < Gmc, as in Ger dial. (Swiss) strapfen, to pull tight (akin to Ger strafen, to punish) < IE * strep < base * (s)ter , stiff > STARE] 1. a former kind of … English World dictionary
Strappado — Folterung durch Strappado Strappado (ital. strappare „reißen“) ist sowohl eine Foltermethode als auch eine Praktik aus dem Bereich BDSM. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strappado (disambiguation) — Strappado may refer to:* Strappado, a form of torture involving a victim s arms. * Strappado bondage, a related technique used by practitioners of BDSM … Wikipedia
Strappado bondage — Outdoor/public strappado using handcuffs and chains. Strappado bondage is a term describing a position and technique used in BDSM play. A person s arms are bound behind their back, then by use of some method of attachment such as a rope or chain… … Wikipedia
strappado — noun Etymology: modification of Italian strappata, literally, sharp pull Date: 1560 a punishment or torture in which the subject is hoisted by rope and allowed to fall its full length; also a machine used to inflict this torture … New Collegiate Dictionary
strappado — /streuh pay doh, pah /, n., pl. strappadoes. 1. an old form of punishment or torture in which the victim, with arms bound behind, was raised from the ground by a rope fastened to the wrists, abruptly released, then arrested with a painful jerk… … Universalium
strappado — noun A form of torture in which the victim is hung from the ceiling by a rope attached to the hands, which are tied together behind the victims back … Wiktionary
STRAPPADO — an obsolete military punishment by drawing a culprit to the top of a beam and then letting him drop the length of the rope … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia