straight off
Смотреть что такое "straight off" в других словарях:
straight off — ► straight off (or out) informal without hesitation or deliberatio n. Main Entry: ↑straight … English terms dictionary
straight off — adverb without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening he answered immediately found an answer straightaway an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith Come here now! • Syn: ↑immediately, ↑instantly, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
straight off — {adv. phr.} At once; immediately. * /After school is over, you come home straight off, and don t waste time./ * /He asked his father for the car, but his father said straight off that he couldn t have it./ … Dictionary of American idioms
straight off — {adv. phr.} At once; immediately. * /After school is over, you come home straight off, and don t waste time./ * /He asked his father for the car, but his father said straight off that he couldn t have it./ … Dictionary of American idioms
straight\ off — adv. phr. At once; immediately. After school is over, you come home straight off, and don t waste time. He asked his father for the car, but his father said straight off that he couldn t have it … Словарь американских идиом
straight off (or out) — informal without hesitation or deliberation. → straight … English new terms dictionary
straight off — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adverb Without delay: directly, forthwith, immediately, instant, instantly, now, right away, right off, straightaway. Idioms: at once, first off. See TIME … English dictionary for students
straight off — adverb Date: circa 1841 at once ; immediately … New Collegiate Dictionary
straight off — right away, directly … English contemporary dictionary
straight — [strāt] adj. [ME streght, pp. of strecchen, to STRETCH] 1. having the same direction throughout its length; having no curvature or angularity [a straight line] 2. not crooked, bent, bowed, wavy, curly, etc. [straight hair] 3. upright; erect… … English World dictionary
straight — ► ADJECTIVE 1) extending uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend. 2) properly positioned so as to be level, upright, or symmetrical. 3) in proper order or condition. 4) honest and direct. 5) (of thinking) clear and logical. 6) in … English terms dictionary