- stovepipe
- дымоход;
железная дымовая труба (американизм) (разговорное) цилиндр (шляпа;
тж. * hat) stovepipe дымоход, железная дымовая труба ~ амер. разг. цилиндр (шляпа;
тж. stovepipe hat)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Stovepipe — Stove pipe (st[=o]v p[imac]p ), n. Pipe made of sheet iron in length and angular or curved pieces fitting together, used to connect a portable stove with a chimney flue. [1913 Webster] {Stovepipe hat}, A tall silk hat with a brim, worn commonly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stovepipe — [stōv′pīp΄] n. 1. a metal pipe used to carry off smoke or fumes from a stove, as into a chimney flue ☆ 2. a man s tall silk hat: in full stovepipe hat … English World dictionary
stovepipe — ► NOUN ▪ a pipe taking the smoke and gases from a stove up through a roof or to a chimney … English terms dictionary
Stovepipe — A stovepipe can refer to:* The chimney of a coal or wood burning stove. * A tall top hat with a consistent width. * A firearm malfunction in shooting in which the empty cartridge case jams vertically in the ejection port of the gun instead of… … Wikipedia
stovepipe — /stohv puyp /, n. 1. a pipe, as of sheet metal, serving as a stove chimney or to connect a stove with a chimney flue. 2. See stovepipe hat. [1690 1700; STOVE1 + PIPE1] * * * … Universalium
stovepipe — /ˈstoʊvpaɪp/ (say stohvpuyp) noun 1. a pipe, as of sheet metal, serving as a stove chimney or to connect a stove with a chimney flue. 2. Colloquial → stovepipe hat. {stove1 + pipe1} …
Stovepipe Wells, California — Stovepipe Wells is a small way station in the northern part of Death Valley, California. There is a motel with swimming pool, a gas station/general store, a gift shop, a ranger station and a restaurant/bar. Close to town are some fairly large and … Wikipedia
stovepipe pants — stovepipe trousers or stovepipe pants, narrow, tight trousers: »The low slung stovepipe pants are pinstriped (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
stovepipe trousers — or stovepipe pants, narrow, tight trousers: »The low slung stovepipe pants are pinstriped (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary
Stovepipe hat — Stovepipe Stove pipe (st[=o]v p[imac]p ), n. Pipe made of sheet iron in length and angular or curved pieces fitting together, used to connect a portable stove with a chimney flue. [1913 Webster] {Stovepipe hat}, A tall silk hat with a brim, worn… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stovepipe (organisation) — A stovepipe organisation is one where the structure of the organisation largely or entirely restricts the flow of information within the organisation to up down through lines of control but inhibits or prevents cross organisational communication … Wikipedia