- storiette
- ˌstɔ:rɪˈet сущ. короткий рассказ короткий рассказ литературная миниатюра storiette короткий рассказ
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
storiette — sto·ri·ette … English syllables
storiette — |stōrē|et noun ( s) Etymology: story (I) + ette : a brief story or tale … Useful english dictionary
storyette — storietteˈ or storyetteˈ noun A short tale • • • Main Entry: ↑story * * * storyette see storiette … Useful english dictionary
Luigi Malerba — Luigi Malerba, also Luigi Bonardi, (born November 11, 1927 May 8, 2008) was an Italian author of stories, historical novels and screenplays as well as a co founder of the Gruppo 63 . Malerba won the Viareggio Prize in 1992. Catholicism and the… … Wikipedia
Luigi Malerba — (* 11. November 1927 in Berceto, Provinz Parma; † 8. Mai 2008 in Rom; eigentlich Luigi Bonardi) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller, Journalist, Drehbuchautor und Verfasser von Erzählungen, Romanen, Hör und Fernsehspielen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Luigi Malerba — Nom de naissance Luigi Bonardi Activités écrivain Naissance 11 novembre 1927 Berceto, province de Parme, Italie Décès 8 mai 2008 Rome, Italie … Wikipédia en Français
Alessandro Casolani — La Natività di Gesù (Collegiata dei Santi Simone e Giuda, Radicondoli) Alessandro Casolani, auch Alessandro della Torre und Alessandro di Agostino genannt (* 1552 in Mensano (Casole d’Elsa); † 1607 in Siena), war ein italienischer Maler im Stile… … Deutsch Wikipedia
dreadful — Synonyms and related words: Bildungsroman, Gothic novel, abominable, alarming, appalling, arrant, astounding, atrocious, august, awe inspiring, awesome, awful, awfully, bad, baneful, base, beastly, beneath contempt, big, blameworthy, brutal,… … Moby Thesaurus
novel — Synonyms and related words: Bildungsroman, Gothic novel, authentic, avant garde, bauble, best seller, bibelot, blockbuster, book, bound book, classic, coloring book, comic novel, creative, curio, definitive work, detective novel, different, dime… … Moby Thesaurus
roman — Synonyms and related words: Bildungsroman, Gothic novel, ascender, back, bastard type, beard, belly, bevel, black letter, body, cap, capital, case, comic novel, counter, descender, detective novel, dime novel, dreadful, em, en, epistolary novel,… … Moby Thesaurus
short story — Synonyms and related words: Bildungsroman, Gothic novel, comic novel, detective novel, dime novel, dreadful, epistolary novel, erotic novel, historical novel, nouvelle, novel, novel of character, novel of ideas, novel of incident, novel of… … Moby Thesaurus