storage fragmentation
Смотреть что такое "storage fragmentation" в других словарях:
storage fragmentation — Inability to allot real storage locations to virtual addresses because available spaces are smaller than the page size … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Fragmentation — may refer to:In biology* Fragmentation (reproduction), a form of asexual reproduction * Fragmentation (cell biology) * Habitat fragmentationOther* Fragmentation (computer) a phenomenon of computer storage * Fragmentation (economics), a process of … Wikipedia
Fragmentation (computing) — In computer storage, fragmentation is a phenomenon in which storage space is used inefficiently, reducing storage capacity and in most cases reducing the performance. The term is also used to denote the wasted space itself. There are three… … Wikipedia
Fragmentation (computer) — In computer storage, fragmentation is a phenomenon in which storage space is used inefficiently, reducing storage capacity. The term is also used to denote the wasted space itself.There are three different but related forms of fragmentation:… … Wikipedia
Fragmentation (reproduction) — There is a separate article about habitat fragmentation. Fragmentation or Clonal Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction or cloning where an organism is split into fragments. The splitting may or may not be intentional. Each of these… … Wikipedia
file fragmentation — Storage of files in pieces scattered on a disk. As files grow on a hard disk, they can be divided into several small pieces. By fragmenting files, the operating system makes reasonable use of the disk space available. The problem with file… … Dictionary of networking
File system fragmentation — In computing, file system fragmentation, sometimes called file system aging, is the inability of a file system to lay out related data sequentially (contiguously), an inherent phenomenon in storage backed file systems that allow in place… … Wikipedia
USB mass storage device class — The USB mass storage device class or USB MSC or UMS is a set of computing communications protocols defined by the USB Implementers Forum that run on the Universal Serial Bus. The standard provides an interface to a variety of storage devices.Some … Wikipedia
Block (data storage) — In computing (specifically data transmission and data storage), block is a sequence of bytes or bits, having a nominal length (a block size ). Data thus structured is said to be blocked . The process of putting data into blocks is called blocking … Wikipedia
фрагментация памяти (в системах динамического распределения памяти) — Наличие в ОЗУ большого числа коротких несмежных блоков, не позволяющее удовлетворить запрос на выделение блока большего размера. [Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993] Тематики информационные… … Справочник технического переводчика
metabolism — /meuh tab euh liz euhm/, n. 1. Biol., Physiol. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available. Cf. anabolism, catabolism … Universalium