storage cylinder
Смотреть что такое "storage cylinder" в других словарях:
Cylinder-head-sector — Cylinder head sector, also known as CHS, was an early method for giving addresses to each physical block of data on a hard disk drive. In the case of floppy drives, for which the same exact diskette medium can be truly low level formatted to… … Wikipedia
Cylinder — most commonly refers to: Cylinder (geometry), a three dimensional geometric shape Cylinder may also refer to: Contents 1 Science and technology 1.1 Information storage … Wikipedia
Cylinder 1024 — is the first cylinder of a hard disk that was inaccessible in the original IBM PC compatible hardware specification, interrupt 13h, which uses cylinder head sector addressing. At boot time very old BIOS of many PCs could only access the first… … Wikipedia
Cylinder (disk drive) — A disk drive cylinder is a division of data in a disk drive, as used in the CHS addressing mode of a Fixed Block Architecture disk or the cylinder–head–record (CCHHR) addressing mode of a CKD disk. The concept is concentric, hollow, cylindrical… … Wikipedia
Cylinder seal — Mesopotamian limestone cylinder seal and impression worship of Shamash, (Louvre). A cylinder seal is a cylinder engraved with a picture story , used in ancient times to roll an impression onto a two dimensional surface, generally wet clay.… … Wikipedia
Storage block — A storage block is a physical sector on the surface of a disk or diskette. It is the smallest unit of transference between the main memory and a given disk drive.In the IBM mainframe terminology, a block is the minimal physical division of data… … Wikipedia
cylinder — cyl·in·der || sɪlɪndÉ™ n. tube, tube shaped figure; physical storage unit in a hard drive (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Phonograph cylinder — Two Edison cylinder records (on either end) and their cardboard storage cartons (center) Phonograph cylinders were the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound. Commonly known simply as records in their era of greatest… … Wikipedia
Cylinder storage system — Устройство для хранения (формных) цилиндров; система хранения (формных) цилиндров … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Cascade storage system — A cascade storage system is a cascade storage tank system which is used for the refilling of smaller compressed gas cylinders or air cylinders. Each of the large cylinders will be filled by a compressor, but the cascade system allows small… … Wikipedia
Gas cylinder — For the mechanical devices used to impart a force from a pressurized liquid or gas, see pneumatic cylinder. For the large structures used to store town gas, see gas holder. Industrial compressed gas cylinders used for oxy fuel welding and cutting … Wikipedia