stopping criterion

stopping criterion
т. вер. критерий остановки (процесса)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stopping criterion" в других словарях:

  • Harris affine region detector — In the fields of computer vision and image analysis, the Harris affine region detector belongs to the category of feature detection. Feature detection is a preprocessing step of several algorithms that rely on identifying characteristic points or …   Wikipedia

  • Feature selection — Feature selection, also known as variable selection, feature reduction, attribute selection or variable subset selection, is the technique, commonly used in machine learning, of selecting a subset of relevant features for building robust learning …   Wikipedia

  • Bees algorithm — The Bees Algorithm is a population based search algorithm first developed in 2005. [Pham DT, Ghanbarzadeh A, Koc E, Otri S, Rahim S and Zaidi M. The Bees Algorithm. Technical Note, Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Cardiff University, UK, 2005]… …   Wikipedia

  • Obstacle problem — The obstacle problem is a classic motivating example in the mathematical study of variational inequalities and free boundary problems. The problem is to find the equilibrium position of an elastic membrane whose boundary is held fixed, and which… …   Wikipedia

  • Tabu search — is a mathematical optimization method, belonging to the class of local search techniques. Tabu search enhances the performance of a local search method by using memory structures: once a potential solution has been determined, it is marked as… …   Wikipedia

  • Integer square root — In number theory, the integer square root (isqrt) of a positive integer n is the positive integer m which is the greatest integer less than or equal to the square root of n ,: mbox{isqrt}( n ) = lfloor sqrt n floor.For example, mbox{isqrt}(27) =… …   Wikipedia

  • Karmarkar's algorithm — is an algorithm introduced by Narendra Karmarkar in 1984 for solving linear programming problems. It was the first reasonably efficient algorithm that solves these problems in polynomial time. The ellipsoid method is also polynomial time but… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural evolution strategy — Natural evolution strategies (NES) are a family of numerical optimization algorithms for black box problems. Similar in spirit to evolution strategies, they iteratively update the (continuous) parameters of a search distribution by following the… …   Wikipedia

  • Backpropagation — Backpropagation, or propagation of error, is a common method of teaching artificial neural networks how to perform a given task. It was first described by Paul Werbos in 1974, but it wasn t until 1986, through the work of David E. Rumelhart,… …   Wikipedia

  • Ellipsoid method — The ellipsoid method is an algorithm for solving convex optimization problems. It was introduced by Naum Z. Shor, Arkady Nemirovsky, and David B. Yudin in 1972, and used by Leonid Khachiyan to prove the polynomial time solvability of linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Depth of field — The area within the depth of field appears sharp, while the areas in front of and beyond the depth of field appear blurry …   Wikipedia

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