stop list

stop list
(информатика) список запретных слов (при индексировании ключевыми словами)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stop list" в других словарях:

  • stop list — noun a) A list of words or other data items which, for some special reason, should be ignored or bypassed by a particular data processing operation. If you equip your search engine with a stop list containing a few common words such as a , the ,… …   Wiktionary

  • stop list — n. a list of words automatically omitted from a computer generated concordance or index, typically the most frequent words, which would slow down processing unacceptably …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stop consonant — A stop, plosive, or occlusive is a consonant sound produced by stopping the airflow in the vocal tract. The terms plosive and stop are usually used interchangeably, but they are not perfect synonyms. Plosives are stops with a pulmonic egressive… …   Wikipedia

  • stop word — noun a word, usually one of a series in a stop list, that is to be ignored by a search engine etc …   Wiktionary

  • List of Batman animated episodes — List of Batman episodes redirects here. For episodes of the live action television series, see List of Batman television episodes. For episodes of The Batman, see List of The Batman episodes. Batman: The Animated Series credits logo. The… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rail accidents (1950–1999) — List of rail accidents from 1950 to 1999.For historic accidents before 1950, see List of pre 1950 rail accidents .For accidents from 2000 to the present, see List of rail accidents . notoc 1950s 1950* February 17 1950 ndash; Rockville Centre, New …   Wikipedia

  • List of rail accidents (2000–present) — List of rail accidents from 2000 to the present. The list includes some terrorist bombings. For accidents before 1950, see List of pre 1950 rail accidents .For accidents between 1950 and 1999 (inclusive), see List of 1950 1999 rail accidents .For …   Wikipedia

  • Stop motion — (or frame by frame) animation is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved by small amounts between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of road accidents — records serious road accidents: those which took a high death toll, occurred in unusual circumstances, or hold some other historical significance. For crashes in which famous people died, please refer to List of people who died in road accidents …   Wikipedia

  • List of awards and nominations received by Crowded House — List of Crowded House awards Award Won Nominated ARIA Awards 11 26 …   Wikipedia

  • Stop Snitchin' — refers to a controversial 2004 campaign launched in Baltimore, United States to persuade criminal informants to stop snitching, or informing, to law enforcement. Public officials, activists and media outlets say that it is a campaign used by… …   Wikipedia

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