stop cock
Смотреть что такое "stop cock" в других словарях:
stop|cock — «STOP KOK», noun. a device for turning the flow of a liquid or gas on or off; faucet; valve … Useful english dictionary
stop-cock — n. Cock, tap, faucet … New dictionary of synonyms
stop cock — A valve by which the movement of a fluid or gas is stopped or regulated. A valve by which gas service to a house, place of business, or indus trial plant is turned on or turned off … Ballentine's law dictionary
stop·cock — /ˈstɑːpˌkɑːk/ noun, pl cocks [count] : a device used for controlling or stopping the flow of a liquid or gas through a pipe … Useful english dictionary
cock — I. n. 1. Male (of birds). 2. Chanticleer, rooster [U. S.]. 3. Cock crowing, cock crow. 4. Faucet, turn valve, stop cock. 5. Hammer (of gunlock). 6. Turning up, turn, toss, perking … New dictionary of synonyms
Cock ale — Cock ale, popular in 17th and 18th century England, was an ale whose recipe consisted of normal ale brewed inside a container, to which was later added a bag stuffed with a parboiled, skinned and gutted cock, and various fruits and spices.… … Wikipedia
cock-and-bull story — {n. phr.} An exaggerated or unbelievable story. * / Stop feeding me such cock and bull stories, the detective said to the suspect./ … Dictionary of American idioms
cock-and-bull story — {n. phr.} An exaggerated or unbelievable story. * / Stop feeding me such cock and bull stories, the detective said to the suspect./ … Dictionary of American idioms
stop — Synonyms and related words: English horn, abandon, abjure, abort, afterthought, allophone, alveolar, anchorage, apico alveolar, apico dental, arrest, arrestation, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, awe, baffle, ban, bar, barricade, barrier,… … Moby Thesaurus
cock — I. /kɒk / (say kok) noun 1. a male chicken. 2. the male of any bird, especially of the gallinaceous kind. 3. Obsolete the crowing of the cock: they were up at first cock. 4. a leader; chief person; ruling spirit. 5. a device for permitting or… …
cock — Synonyms and related words: Bantam, anemograph, anemometer, anemometrograph, anemoscope, anthill, backslide, ball cock, ball valve, baloney, bank, banty, barn door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, bilge, billy, billy goat, boar, bosh, boss, broiler,… … Moby Thesaurus