stop button
Смотреть что такое "stop button" в других словарях:
stop button — stabdymo mygtukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stop button vok. Aus Druckknopf, m; Aus Taste, f; Stop Taste, f rus. кнопка остановки, f; кнопка стоп, f; стоповая кнопка, f pranc. bouton d’arrêt, m; bouton poussoir d’arrêt, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
stop button — stabdymo mygtukas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. stop button vok. Aus Taste, f; Taste Halt, f rus. кнопка останова, f; кнопка стоп, f pranc. bouton d arrêt, m; bouton poussoir d arrêt, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Stop-Taste — stabdymo mygtukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stop button vok. Aus Druckknopf, m; Aus Taste, f; Stop Taste, f rus. кнопка остановки, f; кнопка стоп, f; стоповая кнопка, f pranc. bouton d’arrêt, m; bouton poussoir d’arrêt, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
button — but‧ton [ˈbʌtn] noun [countable] 1. something that you press to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment do something : • She got in the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. • What happens if I push this button? 2. COMPUTING… … Financial and business terms
Button (game) — Button is an early 1970s text based computer game for BASIC designed by People s Computer Company based on the popular children s game Button, Button, Who s Got the Button?. The game appeared on page 13 of the book What to Do After You Hit Return … Wikipedia
button your lip — button up or button your lip (informal) Be quiet • • • Main Entry: ↑button * * * button/zip/your lip spoken phrase used for rudely telling someone not to say anything … Useful english dictionary
button it — informal + impolite used to tell someone to stop talking She angrily told him to button it. • • • Main Entry: ↑button … Useful english dictionary
button\ one's\ lip — • button one s lip • zip one s lip v. phr. slang To stop talking; keep a secret; shut your mouth; be quiet. The man was getting loud and insulting and the cop told him to button his lip. John wanted to talk, but Dan told him to keep his lip… … Словарь американских идиом
button one's lip — ► button one s lip informal stop or refrain from talking. Main Entry: ↑button … English terms dictionary
button — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 for fastening clothes ADJECTIVE ▪ bottom, top ▪ The top button of his shirt was undone. ▪ coat, shirt, etc. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
button — noun 1》 a small disc or knob sewn on to a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a buttonhole or for decoration. 2》 chiefly N. Amer. a decorative badge pinned to clothing. 3》 a knob on a piece of electrical or electronic equipment… … English new terms dictionary