stooge — ► NOUN 1) derogatory a subordinate used by another to do routine or unpleasant work. 2) a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian s jokes. ► VERB 1) informal move about aimlessly. 2) be a comedian s stooge. ORIGIN of unknown… … English terms dictionary
stooge around — (old) To wander about leisurely, purposelessly, or idly • • • Main Entry: ↑stooge … Useful english dictionary
stooge — [stu:dʒ] n 1.) informal someone who is used by someone else to do something unpleasant, dishonest, or illegal used to show disapproval 2.) one of two performers in a ↑comedy show, who the other performer makes jokes about and makes look stupid … Dictionary of contemporary English
Stooge sort — Infobox Algorithm class=Sorting algorithm data=Array time = O( n log(3)/log(1.5)) space = O( n ) optimal=NoStooge sort is a recursive sorting algorithm with a time complexity of about O( n 2.7).The exponent s exact value is log(3) / log(1.5) =… … Wikipedia
stooge — n. & v. colloq. n. 1 a butt or foil, esp. for a comedian. 2 an assistant or subordinate, esp. for routine or unpleasant work. 3 a compliant person; a puppet. v.intr. 1 (foll. by for) act as a stooge for. 2 (foll. by about, around, etc.) move… … Useful english dictionary
stooge — informal noun 1》 derogatory a subordinate used by another to do routine or unpleasant work. 2》 a performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian s jokes. verb 1》 move about aimlessly. 2》 be a comedian s stooge. Origin early 20th cent.:… … English new terms dictionary
stooge — 1. n. Butt for comedian, i.e. one who asks questions which comedian answers, etc. 2. Person easily imposed on. 3. v. stooge around Wander aimlessly about. Wait … A concise dictionary of English slang
The Stooge — Infobox Film name = The Stooge director = Norman Taurog writer = Fred Finklehoffe Martin Rackin starring = Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Polly Bergen Marion Marshall Eddie Mayehoff producer = Hal B. Wallis distributor = Paramount Pictures released =… … Wikipedia
Rumors about the September 11 attacks — Misinformation and rumors about the September 11, 2001 attacks began circulating almost immediately after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The dramatic events of the day filled many people with a sense of uncertainty, and what had previously… … Wikipedia
The Three Stooges — Official Three Stooges logo. L to R: Moe Howard, Curly Howard and Larry Fine The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy act of the early to mid–20th century best known for their numerous short subject films. Their hallmark was… … Wikipedia
Three Stooges — [ thumb|400px|right|Moe Howard, Curly Howard and Larry Fine.] The Three Stooges were an American vaudeville and comedy act of the early to mid–20th century best known for their numerous short subject films. They were commonly known by their first … Wikipedia