stomach upset
Смотреть что такое "stomach upset" в других словарях:
stomach upset — noun a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea • Syn: ↑indigestion, ↑dyspepsia, ↑upset stomach • Derivationally related forms: ↑dyspeptic (for: ↑dyspepsia) … Useful english dictionary
upset — up|set1 [ ,ʌp set ] adjective ** 1. ) very sad, worried, or angry about something: Why are you so upset? They felt too upset to talk about the incident. upset about/over/by: They re all still very upset about losing the case. get/become upset: It … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
upset — I UK [ʌpˈset] / US [ˌʌpˈset] adjective ** 1) very sad, worried, or angry about something Why are you so upset? They felt too upset to talk about the incident. upset about/over/by: They re all still very upset about losing the case. get/become… … English dictionary
stomach — noun 1 part of the body where food is digested ADJECTIVE ▪ empty, full ▪ You shouldn t drink wine on an empty stomach (= without eating food). ▪ dodgy (BrE, informal), queasy, upset … Collocations dictionary
upset — ♦♦♦ upsets, upsetting, upset (Pronounced [[t]ʌ̱pse̱t[/t]] when it is a verb or an adjective. Pronounced [[t]ʌ̱pset[/t]] when it is a noun.) 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, oft ADJ by/about n If you are upset, you are unhappy or disappointed… … English dictionary
upset — up|set1 [ˌʌpˈset] adj 1.) [not before noun] unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened upset by/about/at etc ▪ She was really upset about the way her father treated her. upset that ▪ Debbie was upset that he… … Dictionary of contemporary English
stomach — n. & v. n. 1 a the internal organ in which the first part of digestion occurs, being in man a pear shaped enlargement of the alimentary canal linking the oesophagus to the small intestine. b any of several such organs in animals, esp. ruminants,… … Useful english dictionary
stomach ache — noun an ache localized in the stomach or abdominal region • Syn: ↑stomachache, ↑bellyache, ↑gastralgia • Hypernyms: ↑ache, ↑aching • Part Holonyms: ↑indigestion, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
upset — up·set (.)əp set vt, set; set·ting 1) to trouble mentally or emotionally <the news upset me> 2) to cause a physical disorder in specif to make somewhat ill <greasy food upsets my stomach> up·set əp .set n 1) a minor physical disorder… … Medical dictionary
upset — 1. verb 1) the accusation upset her Syn: distress, trouble, perturb, dismay, disturb, discompose, unsettle, disconcert, disquiet, worry, bother, agitate, fluster, throw, ruffle, unnerve, shake; … Thesaurus of popular words
upset — 1. verb 1) the accusation upset her Syn: distress, trouble, perturb, dismay, sadden, grieve, disturb, unsettle, disconcert, disquiet, worry, bother, agitate, fluster, throw, ruffle, unnerve … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary