
n австрал . скотный двор

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stock-house" в других словарях:

  • stock house — /stokˈkaus, ingl. ˈstɔkˌhaus/ [loc. ingl., propr. «casa, negozio (house) di merci (stock)»] loc. sost. f. inv. CFR. outlet, spaccio aziendale …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • Stock photography — consists of existing photographs that can be licensed for specific uses. Publishers, advertising agencies, graphic artists, and others use stock photography to fulfill the needs of their creative assignments. A customer who uses stock photography …   Wikipedia

  • House of Fraser — Type Private Industry Retail Founded Glasgow, Scotland, UK (1849) Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Stock (disambiguation) — Stock can refer to:Supply and inventory the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment or a store or supply accumulated or available , as in: *Livestock kept on a farm, also **Foundation bloodstock, the animals used as a genetic base… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock, Aitken & Waterman — (Equipo de producción) Datos generales Origen Reino Unido Estado …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stock paintball — Stock Class is a set of commonly agreed upon but unofficial rules for paintball markers: * The marker must have a horizontal paintball feed, which means that the marker must be tilted (rocked) forward or backward to feed the next shot. * The… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock Aitken Waterman — Stock Aitken Waterman, sometimes known as SAW, were a UK songwriting and record producing trio who had great success during the mid late 1980s and early 1990s with many of their productions. The three can be considered to be the most successful… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock (desambiguación) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Stock es una voz inglesa[1] que se usa en español con el sentido de existencías o reserva de alguna cosa disponible para un uso futuro. En el lenguaje comercial y financiero su empleo como anglicismo es frecuente, y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stock — es una voz inglesa[1] que se usa en español con el sentido de existencias. En el lenguaje comercial y financiero su empleo como anglicismo es frecuente, y por ello la RAE recomienda evitarlo y utilizar las voces en español correspondientes a cada …   Wikipedia Español

  • House music — House Stylistic origins Disco, electronic, garage, Hi NRG, soul, funk, synthpop, dub, hip hop, boogie Cultural origins Early 1980s in Chicago, United States Typical instruments Samp …   Wikipedia

  • stock — [adj] commonplace banal, basic, common, conventional, customary, dull, established, formal, hackneyed, normal, ordinary, overused, regular, routine, run of the mill*, set, standard, staple, stereotyped, traditional, trite, typical, usual, worn… …   New thesaurus

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