stock pile
Смотреть что такое "stock pile" в других словарях:
stock|pile — «STOK PYL», noun, verb, piled, pil|ing. –n. 1. a supply of raw materials or essential items, built up and held in reserve for use during time of emergency or shortage: »the national stockpiles of strategic materials and farm commodities (Arthur… … Useful english dictionary
stock pile — index reserve Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stock´pil´er — stock|pile «STOK PYL», noun, verb, piled, pil|ing. –n. 1. a supply of raw materials or essential items, built up and held in reserve for use during time of emergency or shortage: »the national stockpiles of strategic materials and farm… … Useful english dictionary
Stock (cards) — The stock, talon , widow , is a pile of undealt playing cards that players make use of while playing any of various card games, usually from the Rummy family of card games. The stock pile is essential for the development of the play, unlike… … Wikipedia
Stock (disambiguation) — Stock can refer to:Supply and inventory the equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment or a store or supply accumulated or available , as in: *Livestock kept on a farm, also **Foundation bloodstock, the animals used as a genetic base… … Wikipedia
stock — Synonyms and related words: Animalia, Broadway, ability, abundance, acceptation, accepted, acception, accommodate, accumulate, accumulation, accustomed, acquiescence, affiliation, afford, allotment, allowance, amass, amassment, ancestor, ancestry … Moby Thesaurus
pile — Synonyms and related words: abscess, abundance, accumulate, accumulation, agglomeration, aggregate, aggregation, amass, amassment, angina, angina pectoris, anthill, aortic insufficiency, aortic stenosis, apoplectic stroke, architecture,… … Moby Thesaurus
pile — 1. pile [ pil ] n. f. • 1287; lat. pila « colonne » I ♦ 1 ♦ Pilier de maçonnerie soutenant les arches (d un pont). « des lourdes piles du pont Marie aux arches légères du nouveau pont » (Zola). 2 ♦ Tas plus haut que large d objets de même espèce… … Encyclopédie Universelle
stock — n 1. supply, store, stockpile, inventory; quantity, fund, lot, bunch, heap, pile, mass, stack, load, Chiefly U.S. Dial. grist; assortment, range, selection, variety; collection, accumulation, amassment, aggregate, Obs. commodity; reserve,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pile — I 1. noun 1) a pile of stones Syn: heap, stack, mound, pyramid, mass, quantity; collection, accumulation, assemblage, store, stockpile, hoard 2) informal I ve got a pile of work to do Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
pile — I n 1. heap, stack, mass, accumulation, bulk, drift, cumulus; hoard, store, stock, stockpile, supply, lump, deposit, swell, mound, tumulus; bank, hillock, hummock, hill, mountain; bale, bundle, cock, shock, rick, mow; load, barrow, cartload,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder