stock on hand
Смотреть что такое "stock on hand" в других словарях:
stock in hand — UK US noun [U] ACCOUNTING, COMMERCE, PRODUCTION ► STOCK ON HAND(Cf. ↑stock on hand) … Financial and business terms
stock on hand — UK US noun [U] (also stock in hand, ABBREVIATION SOH) ACCOUNTING, COMMERCE, PRODUCTION ► the amount of goods, such as parts, materials, and finished products, that a company has available at a particular time: »They are depleting their stock on… … Financial and business terms
stock-in-hand — /ˌstɒk ɪn hænd/ noun stock held in a shop or warehouse … Marketing dictionary in english
stock — [stäk] n. [ME stocke < OE stocc, akin to Ger stock, Du stok, a stick < IE base * (s)teu , to strike, chop > STUMP, STUB] 1. the trunk of a tree 2. Archaic a) a tree stump b) a wooden block or log … English World dictionary
Stock (firearm) — A stock, also known as a buttstock or shoulder stock, is present in many firearms and some crossbows (though a crossbow stock is properly a tiller ). [cite web |url= |title=Online Etymology… … Wikipedia
stock — stocklike, adj. /stok/, n. 1. a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, distributor, manufacturer, etc.; inventory. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. livestock. 4. Theat … Universalium
Stock obsolescence — Obsolete stock or stock obsolescence calculations are done by companies to determine how much of their stock on hand is unlikely to be used in the future. The financial value of stock obsolescence that is calculated can be entered into a general… … Wikipedia
stock — /stɒk / (say stok) noun 1. an aggregate of goods kept on hand by a merchant, business firm, manufacturer, etc., for the supply of customers. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use: a stock of provisions. 3. → livestock. 4. →… …
Hand on Your Heart — «Hand On Your Heart» Sencillo de Kylie Minogue del álbum Enjoy Yourself Lado B Just Wanna Love You Formato 7 Single, 12 Maxi Single, Cassette Single Grabación Londres … Wikipedia Español
Hand On Your Heart — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Hand On Your Heart» Sencillo de Kylie Minogue del álbum Enjoy Yourself Lado B «Just Wanna Love You» Publicación 24 de abril de 1989 … Wikipedia Español
stock exchange — stock market A market in which security are bought and sold, prices being controlled by supply and demand. Stock markets have developed hand in hand with capitalism since the 17th century, constantly growing in importance and complexity. The… … Big dictionary of business and management