
ˈstaɪvə сущ. мелкая голландская монета стивер, мелкая голландская монета грош - not a * ни гроша, ничего - he hasn't a * у него нет ни гроша, у него нет ничего - without a * без гроша (в кармане) - I wouldn't give a * for it я за это и (ломаного) гроша не дам > not to care a * наплевать;
ни в грош не ставить stiver мелкая голландская монета;
not worth a stiver гроша не стоит stiver мелкая голландская монета;
not worth a stiver гроша не стоит

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stiver" в других словарях:

  • Stiver — Sti ver, n. [D. stuiver; akin to G. st[ u]ber, Dan. styver, Sw. styfver.] A Dutch coin, and money of account, of the value of two cents, or about one penny sterling; hence, figuratively, anything of little worth. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stiver — [stī′vər] n. [Du stuiver < MDu stūver < stūf, stumpy, cut short: for IE base see STEEP1] 1. a former Dutch coin equal to 1/ 20 of a guilder 2. a trifling sum …   English World dictionary

  • stiver — /stuy veuhr/, n. 1. Also, stuiver. a former nickel coin of the Netherlands, equal to five Dutch cents. 2. the smallest possible amount: not worth a stiver; not a stiver of work. [1495 1505; < D stuiver] * * * …   Universalium

  • Stiver — The word stiver is derived from the Dutch Stuiver . It was a currency denomination in use in Ceylon from 1801 until 1821. It was also a denomination that formed part of the currency system of Demarara Essequibo (later British Guiana, now Guyana) …   Wikipedia

  • stiver — noun /ˈstaɪvə/ a) A small Dutch coin worth one twentieth of a guilder. , 1761: ’Tis not worth a single stiver, said the bandy legd drummer Laurence Sterne, The Life Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, vol. 4 (Penguin 2003, p. 223) b) Anything …   Wiktionary

  • stiver — sti•ver [[t]ˈstaɪ vər[/t]] n. 1) num a former nickel coin of the Netherlands, equal to five Dutch cents 2) the smallest possible amount: not a stiver of work[/ex] • Etymology: 1495–1505; < D stuiver …   From formal English to slang

  • stiver — n. the smallest quantity or amount (don t care a stiver). Etymology: Du. stuiver a small coin, prob. rel. to STUB …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stiver Ortiz — Edwar Estiver „Stiver“ Ortiz Caro (* 12. August 1980) ist ein kolumbianischer Straßenradrennfahrer. Stiver Ortíz gewann 2007 die dritte Etappe der Vuelta a los Santanderes. Im nächsten Jahr war er bei einem Teilstück des Clásica del Meta… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stiver — noun Etymology: Dutch stuiver Date: 1502 1. a unit of value and coin of the Netherlands equal to 1/20 gulden 2. something of little value …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stiver — [ stʌɪvə] noun 1》 a small coin formerly used in the Netherlands, equal to one twentieth of a guilder. 2》 [with negative] archaic a very small sum or insignificant amount. Origin C16: from Du. stuiver; prob. related to stub …   English new terms dictionary

  • stiver — /ˈstaɪvə/ (say stuyvuh) noun 1. a former coin of the Netherlands worth ¹⁄₂₀ of a guilder. 2. a small amount of anything. {Dutch stuiver} …  

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