Смотреть что такое "stir-fry" в других словарях:
stir-fry — stir fries, stir frying, stir fried 1) VERB If you stir fry vegetables, meat, or fish, you cook small pieces of them quickly by stirring them in a small quantity of very hot oil. This method is often used in Chinese cookery. [V n] Stir fry the… … English dictionary
stir-fry — stir fry1 past tense and past participle stir fried present participle stir frying third person singular stir fries v [T] to cook small pieces of food quickly by moving them around continuously in very hot oil ▪ stir fried vegetables stir fry 2… … Dictionary of contemporary English
stir-fry — stir ,fry verb transitive to cook food quickly by moving it around in hot oil: stir fried vegetables ╾ stir ,fry noun count … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stir-fry — [stʉr′frī΄] vt. stir fried, stir frying in Chinese cooking, to fry (diced or sliced vegetables, meat, etc.) very quickly in a wok, with a little oil, while stirring constantly n. a dish prepared in this way … English World dictionary
stir-fry — stir′ fry v. t. fried, fry•ing, coo to prepare (food) by cooking it quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat • Etymology: 1955–60 … From formal English to slang
stir-fry — ► VERB ▪ fry rapidly over a high heat while stirring briskly … English terms dictionary
stir-fry — UK / US verb [transitive] Word forms stir fry : present tense I/you/we/they stir fry he/she/it stir fries present participle stir frying past tense stir fried past participle stir fried to cook food quickly by moving it around in hot oil stir… … English dictionary
stir fry — verb fry very quickly over high heat stir fry the vegetables in a wok • Topics: ↑cooking, ↑cookery, ↑preparation • Hypernyms: ↑fry • Verb Frames: Somethin … Useful english dictionary
stir-fry — verb (T) to cook something by mixing it in hot oil for a short time: stir fried vegetables stir fry noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stir-fry — verb Stir fry is used with these nouns as the object: ↑vegetables … Collocations dictionary
ˈstir-ˌfry — verb [T] to cook food quickly by moving it around in hot oil ˈstir ˌfry noun [C] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English