stipulate — stip·u·late / sti pyə ˌlāt/ vb lat·ed, lat·ing [Latin stipulatus, past participle of stipulari to exact (as from a prospective debtor) a formal guarantee when making an oral contract] vi 1: to make an agreement or covenant about something (as… … Law dictionary
stipulate — Synonyms and related words: agree, agree to, assign, attach a condition, bargain, bargain for, call for, compact, condition, contend for, contract, covenant, demand, denominate, designate, detail, determine, do a deal, engage, fight for, fix,… … Moby Thesaurus
stipulate — stipulate1 [stip′yə lāt΄] vt. stipulated, stipulating [< L stipulatus, pp. of stipulari, to bargain < or akin to Umbrian stiplo, to stipulate; akin to L stips: see STIPEND] 1. to include specifically in the terms of an agreement, contract,… … English World dictionary
stipulate — [v] decide on conditions agree, arrange, bargain, condition, contract, covenant, designate, detail, engage, guarantee, impose, insist upon, lay down, lay finger on, make, make a point, name, particularize, pin down, pledge, postulate, promise,… … New thesaurus
stipulate — stipulate1 stipulable /stip yeuh leuh beuhl/, adj. stipulator, n. stipulatory /stip yeuh leuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /stip yeuh layt /, v., stipulated, stipulating. v.i. 1. to make an express demand or arrangement as a condition of agreement… … Universalium
stipulate — I. /ˈstɪpjəleɪt / (say stipyuhlayt) verb (stipulated, stipulating) –verb (i) 1. (sometimes followed by for) to make an express demand or arrangement, as a condition of agreement. –verb (t) 2. to arrange expressly or specify in terms of agreement …
stipulate — / stɪpjυleɪt/ verb to state something specifically as a binding condition in a contract ● to stipulate that the contract should run for five years ● They found it difficult to pay the stipulated charges. ● The company failed to pay on the date… … Dictionary of banking and finance
stipulate — v 1. specify, determine, fix, designate, indicate; stickle for, contend for, insist upon, make a point of, condition, Inf. have a catch; qualify, set conditions, attach a condition, limit, set terms; require, demand, warrant, render, provide. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
stipulate — I. verb ( lated; lating) Etymology: Latin stipulatus, past participle of stipulari to demand a guarantee (from a prospective debtor) Date: circa 1624 intransitive verb 1. to make an agreement or covenant to do or forbear something ; contract 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
stipulate — 1. 1 demand or specify as part of a bargain or agreement. 2 (foll. by for) mention or insist upon as an essential condition. 3 (as stipulated adj.) laid down in the terms of an agreement. Derivatives: stipulation n. stipulator n. Etymology … Useful english dictionary
contend for — Synonyms and related words: advocate, allege in support, answer, argue for, assert, bid for, champion, counter, defend, espouse, fight for, maintain, make a plea, plead for, pull for, rebut, refute, reply, respond, riposte, say in defense, speak… … Moby Thesaurus