
ˈstɪŋkpɔt сущ.;
сл. химическая шашка птица или животное, издающее неприятный, резкий запах, вонючка (военное) (жаргон) химическая шашка (грубое) подлец, подонок (грубое) дрянь, барахло (о фильме и т. п.) (грубое) подлая штукатрудности) - a * of a crossword кроссворд - черт ногу сломит (австралийское) (разговорное) томительно жаркий день, пекло stinkpot воен. жарг. химическая шашка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stinkpot" в других словарях:

  • Stinkpot — may mean:*Stinkpot is another name for the Common Musk Turtle, Sternotherus odoratus . *Stink bomb, a device to create an offensive smell …   Wikipedia

  • Stinkpot — Stink pot , n. 1. An earthen jar charged with powder, grenades, and other materials of an offensive and suffocating smell, sometimes used in boarding an enemy s vessel. [1913 Webster] 2. A vessel in which disinfectants are burned. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stinkpot — [stiŋk′pät΄] n. 1. a kind of stink bomb formerly used in naval warfare ☆ 2. a small musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) of the E and S U.S. ☆ 3. Slang a motorboat …   English World dictionary

  • stinkpot — 1. n. a baby with a dirty diaper. (Also a term of address.) □ Jimmy’s a stinkpot. Better change him. □ Come here, you little stinkpot. I’ll fix you. 2. n. anything smelly. □ What are you barbecuing in this old stinkpot? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • stinkpot — Musk Musk (m[u^]sk), n. [F. musc, L. muscus, Per. musk, fr. Skr. mushka testicle, orig., a little mouse. See {Mouse}, and cd. {Abelmosk}, {Muscadel}, {Muscovy duck}, {Nutmeg}.] 1. A substance of a reddish brown color, and when fresh of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stinkpot — noun Date: 1669 1. an earthen jar filled with fetid material and formerly sometimes thrown as a stink bomb on the deck of an enemy ship 2. a musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) of the United States and Canada 3. stinker 1 4. slang motorboat …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stinkpot — a device used by pirates when boarding a ship. The earthenware pots contained potassium nitrate, asafetida (a smelly resin), calcium carbonate and decayed fish. When smashed on deck, a nauseating smoke discouraged the defenders …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • stinkpot — /stingk pot /, n. 1. a jar containing combustibles or other materials that generate offensive and suffocating vapors, formerly used in warfare. 2. Informal. a stinker; meany. 3. a common musk turtle, Sternotherus odoratus, of the eastern and… …   Universalium

  • stinkpot — noun a) An annoying, bad or undesirable person b) A species of turtle from southeastern Canada, Sternotherus odoratus …   Wiktionary

  • Stinkpot — 1. one who stinks; 2. objectionable person …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • stinkpot — Australian Slang 1. one who stinks; 2. objectionable person …   English dialects glossary

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