Смотреть что такое "stinko" в других словарях:
stinko — ☆ stinko [stiŋk′ō ] adj. Slang 1. very bad; inferior in quality; lousy 2. drunk; intoxicated … English World dictionary
stinko — /sting koh/, adj. Slang. 1. drunk. 2. wretched; abysmal: It was a great book but a stinko movie. [1925 30; STINK + O] * * * … Universalium
stinko — adjective drunk … Wiktionary
stinko — Synonyms and related words: afflicted, bent, boiled, bombed, boozy, canned, cockeyed, cockeyed drunk, crocked, crocko, disguised, drunk, elevated, fried, fuddled, half seas over, high, illuminated, inebriated, lit, lit up, loaded, lubricated,… … Moby Thesaurus
Stinko — 1. stinking; 2. drunk … Dictionary of Australian slang
stinko — Australian Slang 1. stinking; 2. drunk … English dialects glossary
stinko — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Slang. Stupefied, excited, or muddled with alcoholic liquor: besotted, crapulent, crapulous, drunk, drunken, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, sodden, tipsy. Informal: cock eyed, stewed. Slang: blind, bombed,… … English dictionary for students
stinko — adj drunk. This word (an abbreviation from stinking drunk , with the addition of the lighthearted adjectival suffix o ) is almost obsolete in British speech except in upper class usage. stinky finger, stink finger … Contemporary slang
stinko — adjective informal extremely drunk … English new terms dictionary
stinko — stink•o [[t]ˈstɪŋ koʊ[/t]] adj. Slang. 1) sts drunk 2) cvb sts wretched • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
stinko — /ˈstɪŋkoʊ/ (say stingkoh) adjective Colloquial 1. stinking. 2. drunk …