stimulated scattering

stimulated scattering
вынужденное рассеяние

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stimulated scattering" в других словарях:

  • Scattering theory — Top: the real part of a plane wave travelling upwards. Bottom: The real part of the field after inserting in the path of the plane wave a small transparent disk of index of refraction higher than the index of the surrounding medium. This object… …   Wikipedia

  • Scattering (optics) — Optical scattering deals with the scattering, absorption, and extinction of electromagnetic radiation by particles, molecules and surfaces. Both single scattering and multiple scattering (i.e. radiative transfer) are considered in this category.… …   Wikipedia

  • stimulated spin-flip Raman scattering — priverstinė sukininė apgrąžinė Ramano sklaida statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. stimulated spin flip Raman scattering vok. erzwungene Raman Streuung mit Spininversion, f rus. вынужденное комбинационное рассеяние с… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • stimulated spin-flip scattering — priverstinė sukininė apgrąžinė sklaida statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. stimulated spin flip scattering vok. erzwungene Streuung mit Spininversion, f; stimulierte Streuung mit Spininversion, f rus. вынужденное рассеяние с… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Brillouin scattering — Brillouin scattering, named after Léon Brillouin, occurs when light in a medium (such as air, water or a crystal) interacts with time dependent optical density variations and changes its energy (frequency) and path. The density variations may be… …   Wikipedia

  • Raman scattering — or the Raman effect (pronounced: IPA| [rə.mən] ) is the inelastic scattering of a photon. Discovered By Dr. C.V. Raman in liquids and by Grigory Landsberg and Leonid Mandelstam in crystals.When light is scattered from an atom or molecule, most… …   Wikipedia

  • Neutron stimulated emission computed tomography — (NSECT) uses induced gamma emission through neutron inelastic scattering to generate images of the spatial distribution of elements in a sample.[1] Contents 1 NSECT mechanism 2 Clinical Applications …   Wikipedia

  • Gurgen Askaryan — ( hy. Գուրգեն Ասկարյան , ru. Гурген Аскарьян or Гурген Аскарян ) (1928 1997) was a prominent Soviet physicist, famous for his discovery of the self focusing of light. Among his other achievements are the pioneering studies of light matter… …   Wikipedia

  • Filling factor — distinguish|fill factor, which is ratio of duration of a pulse in a sequence of pulses to the time interval between pulses.Filling factor, F , is a quantity measuring the efficiency of absorption of pump in the core of a double clad fiber. [D.… …   Wikipedia

  • Fiber disk laser — A fiber disk laser is a fiber laser with transverse delivery of the pump light. They are characterized by the pump beam not being parallel to the active core of the optical fiber (as in a double clad fiber), but directed to the coil of the fiber… …   Wikipedia

  • Коровин, Сергей Дмитриевич — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с такой фамилией, см. Коровин. Сергей Дмитриевич Коровин Дата рождения …   Википедия

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