- still hunt
- (американизм) скрытое преследование, поиски дичи осторожная охота (за кем-л., чем-л.) тайное и упорное преследование какой-л. цели
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Still-hunt — n. A hunting for game in a quiet and cautious manner, or under cover; stalking; hence, colloquially, the pursuit of any object quietly and cautiously. {Still hunt er}, n. {Still hunt ing}, n. [U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
still-hunt — still hunter, n. /stil hunt /, v.t. 1. to pursue or ambush by a still hunt. v.i. 2. to carry on a still hunt. [1855 60, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
still hunt — ☆ still hunt n. a stealthy hunt for game, as by stalking or using cover still hunt vt., vi … English World dictionary
still-hunt — still hunt; still hunt·er; … English syllables
still-hunt — /ˈstɪl hʌnt/ (say stil hunt) US –verb (t) 1. to pursue by a still hunt. –verb (i) 2. to carry on a still hunt …
still-hunt — chiefly N. Amer. verb hunt game stealthily; stalk. noun a stealthy hunt for game. Derivatives still hunting noun … English new terms dictionary
still hunt — Synonyms and related words: angle for, ask for, beat, beat about for, chase, chevy, chivy, course, coursing, cynegetics, delve for, dig for, dog, domiciliary visit, dragnet, drive, exploration, falcon, falconry, fish for, flush, follow, follow… … Moby Thesaurus
still-hunt — verb hunt (quarry) by stalking and ambushing • Syn: ↑ambush • Derivationally related forms: ↑ambush (for: ↑ambush), ↑ambusher (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
still hunt — /stɪl ˈhʌnt/ (say stil hunt) noun US 1. a hunt for game carried on stealthily, as by stalking or under cover. 2. Colloquial a quiet or secret pursuit of any object …
still hunt — noun a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush • Syn: ↑stalk, ↑stalking • Derivationally related forms: ↑stalk (for: ↑stalking), ↑stalk (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
still hunt — 1. a hunt for game carried on stealthily, as by stalking, or under cover, as in ambush. 2. Informal. a quiet or secret pursuit of any object. [1820 30] * * * … Universalium