stick force

stick force
усилие на рулевую колонку

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stick force" в других словарях:

  • stick force — noun : the force exerted on the control column by the pilot of an airplane in flight * * * stick force noun (aeronautics) The force exerted on the control column by the pilot when applying aileron or elevator control • • • Main Entry: ↑stick …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stick-slip phenomenon — Stick slip (or slip stick ) refers to the phenomenon of a spontaneous jerking motion that can occur while two objects are sliding over each other. Cause Stick slip is caused by the surfaces alternatingly between a sticking to each other and… …   Wikipedia

  • Stick fighting — is a generic term for martial arts which utilize simple long slender, blunt, hand held, generally wooden sticks for fighting such as a staff, cane, walking stick, baton or similar. Some techniques can also be used with a sturdy umbrella or even a …   Wikipedia

  • stick (someone) with someone — stick (someone) with (someone/something) to force someone to do something or to have responsibility for someone. She claims that big power companies cut costs and stick their customers with high prices. They go out dancing and stick me with the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • stick (someone) with something — stick (someone) with (someone/something) to force someone to do something or to have responsibility for someone. She claims that big power companies cut costs and stick their customers with high prices. They go out dancing and stick me with the… …   New idioms dictionary

  • stick (someone) with — (someone/something) to force someone to do something or to have responsibility for someone. She claims that big power companies cut costs and stick their customers with high prices. They go out dancing and stick me with the baby …   New idioms dictionary

  • stick — I n. 1) a hiking; hockey; pointed; walking stick 2) a celery stick 3) a composing stick ( device for typesetting ) 4) a swagger stick (carried by a military officer) 5) (misc.) to carry a big stick ( to threaten to use force to settle a dispute ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Stick bomb — A stick bomb is a mechanical explosive device constructed out of flat sticks woven together under tension. There were also German explosive devices used in both World Wars that were known as stick bombs ( Stielhandgranate ) (see hand grenade).… …   Wikipedia

  • stick — I. noun Etymology: Middle English stik, from Old English sticca; akin to Old Norse stik stick, Old English stician to stick Date: before 12th century 1. a woody piece or part of a tree or shrub: as a. a usually dry or dead severed shoot, twig, or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stick — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. stab, puncture, prick; put, place, thrust; glue; transfix, impale; informal, puzzle, stump. See opening, coherence, difficulty. v. i. adhere, cling; stay, remain, tarry; stall, freeze, be immobile …   English dictionary for students

  • Stick (comics) — Supersupportingbox| caption= comic color=background:#ff8080 character name=Stick publisher=Marvel Comics debut=Daredevil (vol. 1) #176 (November 1981). creators=Frank Miller full name=Unknown status=missing supports=Daredevil relatives=Unknown… …   Wikipedia

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